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Submissives of the Warlord: A Novel of Future Bondage Page 10

  “Don’t say anything yet, Alexis,” he joked at her as he looked down to her wide-open mouth and the lovely pink tongue that fluttered helplessly inside. He reached down and cinched the strap between her legs tighter and got a muffled groan from her mouth. He stood up and towered over her kneeling body. He put his hand under her chin to make her raise her head up high. He took off his robe with ease. That is why the lords wore robe. They could be naked in seconds. Like a Scotsman wearing a kilt, the lords wore nothing beneath it. The minute he took off the robe, his cock jutted out and bounced excitedly as he saw her open and inviting mouth.

  His cock was too big. The scavenger was big enough when she had to take him, but Lord Harris was so much more formidable. She shook her head no, but he approached her with his hand holding out his cock in front of her. He wasn’t about to be denied. His hand went to the back of her head, and his fingers fanned out and covered it with ease. They dug in her scalp and held her tight. He moved his cock close to her mouth and rubbed it over her lips. It bounced the moment it touched her lips.

  Harris couldn’t control his cock any longer. It was as if it had a brain of its own and knew where it wanted to go. He pushed his cock into the open hole of her mouth, and even though her lips were spread wide, his cock still slid along her lips, top and bottom. He was proud of his girth. As he held her head, he shoved with his hips, and he impaled her mouth with his cock until it shot to the very back and slammed hard. It wouldn’t breach her throat, at least not yet, but he had a trick for that later. For now, he was rewarded with a muffled gag as tears ran from her eyes.

  Her mouth was filled with hot flesh, not even the scavenger was this big. It was as though there wasn’t a single drop of room in her mouth. Her tongue was pushed down to the bottom of her mouth as the heavy cock sat on it and pinned it. Lord Harris was like a freight train when he shoved his cock in and only the girth of the smooth head stopped it from going down her throat. She was grateful for that, but the gag made her stomach churn and her nose run. He moved his cock in her mouth, stretching her cheeks as it touched every single spot—her tongue, her teeth, her gums, nothing was neglected. He rewarded her with drops of his cum. The profuse cum that the scavenger shot into her mouth reminded her of the foul taste, but the more Lord Harris moved his cock, the more he dripped in her helpless mouth. The iron gag that held her mouth opened hurt her, and the leather did little to ease that pain. She was sure that he’d break her jaw before he got his pleasure. Her only salvation was the jerky starts of her hips as she moved them slightly. The smooth leather felt so good, like hundreds of fingers that stroked her. Even her anus was set fluttering in uncontrollable contractions as the leather slid back and forth over the raised bud of her anus. She never expected that.

  Harris couldn’t stop now as he began to fuck her open mouth. It felt so good, her mouth hot and wet, and her continual gagging and choking inspired him. The head of his cock slammed into her throat with such harshness, but he only felt pleasure. He twisted her head from side to side as he pumped with his hips to drive his cock in and out with such ferocity. He punished her mouth with his big cock for long minutes while she drooled and gagged, but he also saw her lower body moving as if she didn’t want him to notice. She liked the way the leather strap cut her pussy and ass.

  He did her mouth for at least five minutes before he pulled out, yet he didn’t cum. She didn’t know how he lasted that long, but he was still hard. She saw him put his fingers in a jar, and when they came out, they were covered in clear grease. Would he fuck me now? He moved his hand to her mouth, and he shoved the greased fingers all the way to the back of her mouth. His fingers and hand were large, larger than his cock, and her lips felt as though they would tear any second. When he got to the end of her mouth, two fingers pushed into her throat, and there was no way she could stop it. She gagged then choked as her throat swallowed up his fingers. She wretched from the taste of the thick grease, but they slid effortlessly into her throat. The fingers moved inside and pushed against her reluctant muscles, and then, they pulled out. She gasped for air.

  “That should make it easier, Alexis. Now, relax and let it happen, there’s nothing you can do to stop the inevitable.” He had done this many times and all had survived with minimal damage.

  She was unable to do anything as his hand held her head tighter this time and his cock returned to her mouth. He shoved with his hips and drove his cock into her mouth with such power behind it. This time, she couldn’t stop him. His cock slid to the opening of her throat, and when it slid along the grease, it entered her throat when she gagged loudly. Unable to stop its descent, she felt it slither down her throat until she was sure that it would pop out into her stomach. She had to have three inches of thick cock in her throat before it stopped, but there were still a few inches outside her lips, but his pubic hairs rubbed on her nose. He began to throat fuck her. He was relentless. Even when he pulled out and she sucked in valuable air, it was only for seconds before he thrust back in and reclaimed her throat.

  He didn’t know why he got more enjoyment from her mouth than any of the other women, but he couldn’t stop. Each time he breached her throat, she gagged, but it felt like her throat sucked his cock inside. Her muscles rippled along her throat, his cock compressed to fit into such a tiny hole, but it rubbed him so pleasurably. He couldn’t wait much longer, and he couldn’t stop it once his balls swung wide and hard and smashed into her chin. He shot the first load into her mouth, but then, he pulled out and stroked his cock as he shot the next three loads of cum on her face and lips. When he was finished, her pretty face was covered in a thick layer of white cum. He pushed the head in her mouth and rubbed it on her tongue to make sure she got every drop. He finally pulled the mouth gag out, but with her hands still bound, she couldn’t wipe the cum from her face as it rolled slowly down onto her lips.

  She was glad to get the mouth gag out of her mouth. She knew that she had to do something to convince him of her abilities. If that is what he wanted her to do, she’d do it. Her life wouldn’t be dull, that was for sure. She didn’t try to spit out the cum; in fact, she did the opposite. She licked up all the cum that she could reach with her tongue and scooped it into her mouth. It was thick and foul, but she swallowed it all with a smirk on her face. “I can improve the mouth gag. It shouldn’t hurt so much. It needs more padding, and I have an idea that will allow you to open it wider or close it so you can get a nice, tight fit on your cock. I’m sure that you’d enjoy soft, silky lips tightly grasping your cock as you fuck her mouth.”

  “I thought you might have something special in you, Alexis. I’ll set you up with your own private shop.”

  “I’m sure you’ll visit me often to make sure that I know all the features of what you have or want. But, before I accept, you’re going to have to show me how you can make that strap between my legs cum for you. It teases and taunts me, but I want more.”

  “I’ve never done that on purpose before, but let me help you up onto the table.” He held her as he made her stand on the table. “Crouch down, Alexis.” He saw her shiver when she crouched down and the leather strap rubbed her in the right way. Her arms were still tied rigidly behind her back, but now, her knees were forced out at obscene angles that left her pussy and ass open and vulnerable, only the leather strap between her hide her.

  Harris was eager to please his new worker, yet not too pleasing. He started off with a small flogger, ten thin strips of leather not more than four inches long, but they were supple. The strap between her pussy lips left her lips folded back and exposed a bit of her soft, wet inner lips and that is where he attacked. She could’ve tried to close her legs, but she didn’t; she left them obediently spread. He wasn’t surprised that the leather strap grew wetter and glistened with her juices. He would stop and jerk the strap between her pussy and ass, grabbing each end with a hand and jerking it back and forth. It made her body dance as she gasped each time the leather rode along the soft folds of her pussy.

  She thought it would be inconceivable to get any pleasure from having her body whipped, but when the leather straps of the whip attacked her pussy lips, she tingled with a strange and perverse excitement. She could only think that it would be better if the strap between her legs didn’t protect her. What would the whip feel like if it hit my inner pussy lips fully with all ten strips of leather from the whip?

  Harris jerked and tore the strap up her crack and pussy lips, alternating with whipping all the available flesh he could find. He soon had her riding the pleasure and torment he gave her. Not even she could deny the feelings in her body, and he soon had her cumming as if they were lovers making soft, passionate love.

  She couldn’t understand how it happened. All of a sudden, it crept up on her, and she couldn’t stop it if she tried. She began to open and close her legs rapidly, and when she did, the strap between her lips moved. She began to cum as if the strap was a man’s hand that fondled her in just the right way. She couldn’t look at Lord Harris as she came so shamefully, yet she cried out for the whip to continue to bring her such painful pleasure.

  Harris helped her off the table and regrettably took the straps off her body until she was naked. She didn’t say anything for a long time.

  Alexis saw the pile of leather straps that bound her, one of them shiny and slick from her juices. Boldly, she exclaimed, “I know how to make the strap that split me up the middle more effective, for you and her.”

  “The women of the village will be in your debt, Alexis.”

  “As well as the men. An aroused woman is more able to give you the pleasure men want, in spite of the bondage, or maybe because of it. I’ll be back in a couple of days with some improvements. And you can show me some of your other devices.”

  “Would you like me to find you a place to live so you don’t have to live with your daughter in a one-room house? She’s of age, and she needs her privacy as much as you do.”

  Alexis thought for a moment. “Yes, that would be good; it wouldn’t look like I tried to push her out.”


  Jennifer’s Trade

  “Did you have a good day?” Jennifer was already home when Alexis walked through the door.

  “Yes, how about you?” Jennifer noticed that the dress that her mother wore wasn’t the same one she left with that morning, but she didn’t say anything. She had changed before her mother arrived, and her mother would’ve noticed the same thing with her.

  “I have a job.” Alexis didn’t say anything else.

  “I knew they would see that you’re a talented seamstress.”

  “Yes; have you decided on anything yet?”

  “No, but I have some ideas, but I won’t tell you until I decide.” There was a knock on the door, and it startled them for a moment, still uncomfortable in the village in spite of its safety.

  It was Alexis that answered it. It was one of the men that worked for the Lord of Planning. “Yes, can I help you?”

  “If you gather up your things, I have new housing for you. These are temporary facilities for new arrivals. The new housing is much bigger.”

  “That will be great.” Alexis and Jennifer gathered up their things quickly. They didn’t have much to start with.

  They didn’t go far, three buildings away. “This one is yours, Alexis.” He opened up the door to a much more spacious two rooms, and it was furnished better.

  “We have separate houses?” Jennifer asked. Had Bishop Roman been instrumental in this?

  “Yes, but you are only three building away and the village isn’t big. I’m sure you’ll see each other all the time. Since you are of age, separate accommodations are mandated.”

  Jennifer kissed her mother goodbye. “It’s okay, Mother, I’ll be fine.”

  “Yes, I have no doubt.” Lord Harris must have arranged this. Alexis expected it, but it was still difficult to see her little girl move on her own. “I love you.”

  “Love you, too.” Jennifer went with the man, and she saw her new house, two rooms also. It looked so big after living outside for so many years. She was a woman now and had her own privacy. She knew tonight she’d masturbate, and it would involve Bishop Roman taking her mouth. Then, something changed her mind.

  “Lord William will see you in the morning. Ten o’clock.” He looked at her and knew why Lord William wanted her, wishing he’d have the first chance at her. He knew she was a virgin, everyone knew that.

  “Thank you.”

  “I hope to see you soon, Jennifer. You have a lovely body.” He left her, his cock hard. He’d need to find an accommodating woman to satisfy his lust for now.

  That was a strange conversation. What he said was almost a perverse compliment. Jennifer shut the door and latched it. She needed to find her bed. Lord William would take her virginity tomorrow. She’d have to make it memorable for him, so she could get what she wanted. She was surprised how easy it was with Bishop Roman. Were all men that easy, or was I that good at it?

  * * * *

  The next day, Alexis went to work, just as she had done before the devastation. It was different now; Jennifer lived by herself and Bill was gone. She went to her shop, a small shop behind the main shops in the village. It wouldn’t be open to the public; her items would be sold elsewhere. But it was here that Alexis would let her sexual imagination ran rampant. It would be a unique experience for after she made them, she’d take them to Lord Harris, and he’d try them out. On her. That sounded so perverted yet exciting.

  In spite of cumming, Alexis did so once again last night, yet she was aroused the minute she walked into the shop and smelled the leather. It was like an aphrodisiac to her. She went to work on the strap that split her up the middle. She had so many ideas.

  * * * *

  Jennifer woke up wet in spite of cumming last night. It was as if she couldn’t stop the arousal in her body. As she walked to Lord William’s office, she felt the dampness between her legs. She went to his office, and it was fitting his position. She was ushered into his office before she said her name by a young woman behind the desk. She gave Jennifer a familiar nod as if they were somehow connected by what would happen.

  “Bishop Roman was correct in his assessment of you, Jennifer. Even in the unappetizing dress, you have a lovely body. And virginal. Yet, he tells me that you have an innate skill to please, in spite of your lack of experience.”

  She stood there as he eyed her body like a hungry animal. Now, this was a man. He was big, strong and handsome in a rough sort of way. He’d dwarf her small body, but she hoped that his equipment was big and strong, too. Bishop Roman surprised her with his cock, so Lord William would have to do a lot to exceed her expectations. “I hope I can live up to my reputation, Lord William. I need a man to guide me and show me what is expected of me.”

  “That I can do, little lady. Let’s go to where we can have a bit more room.”

  She felt his large hand around her waist as they walked out of the room.

  “I’ll be gone for the rest of the day,” he told the woman behind the desk.

  Jennifer liked the sound of that. They didn’t go far, but Jennifer was too busy looking around. There were many men training, in all different ways. Some of it was physical training, but most was in combat training. Some used weapons, knives, swords and bows, but many fought hand to hand. She looked at all the delicious hard bodies of men stripped to their waists. They grabbed each other violently as they fought, their bodies glistened with sweat and their muscles rippled and bulged. What would it be like for me to fight one of them?

  Lord William opened a door and held it for her. It shocked her when she entered. There were five soldiers inside, all of them stripped to their waists, and they looked at her as soon as she walked in. They waited for her. She thought it would be Lord William that would take her innocence, but after that, would she be subjected to the other men? That never occurred to her, and it scared her. She might gain a lot of experience in a very short time. They stood up at attentio
n when Lord William entered.

  “At ease,” he told them as they sat down. “Over here, Jennifer, in the front of the room. These are my most trusted soldiers.” William moved to the desk near her and picked up the bamboo rod. It was about three feet long but was thin and whippy. It was a new one. The older ones lost their bounce after too much use. A flexible and whippy rod was best at locating the impact to a very confined spot and could be moderated with the flick of a wrist. He’d become very proficient in its use. He turned to Jennifer. “Lower your dress to your waist and take off your bra if you’re wearing one.” He waited to see how submissive she really was.

  Jennifer took a deep breath and then began to open her dress. In spite of her expectations, this was different; she’d be stripping in front of a bunch of men. The other five soldiers weren’t much older than she was. But, she knew that she couldn’t disappoint Lord William or else she’d never have a chance to join his soldiers. Even as her fingers trembled when she opened the buttons, she worked quickly, and soon, it was open to her waist. She pushed it off her shoulders and down her arms until it hung at her waist. She didn’t hesitate, reaching behind to unsnap her bra, and she slid the straps effortlessly down her arms. She let the bra fall to the floor. She wanted to shield her breasts from their eyes, but instead, she arched her back and stood up tall. Her breasts stood out majestically, including the hard nipples that capped each one. She stared at the five men and smiled then did the unheard of and laced her fingers behind her neck and pushed her elbows out to the sides. It was as though her breasts rose up to the heavens.

  “I can’t fault Bishop Roman for his description of your firm, youthful breasts, and I commend your presentation. Hold still now and don’t move.”