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Page 11

  She knew what would happen next. The heaviness that pushed her body onto the marble block was gone, but now, it moved down to her legs. They pinned her ankles to the floor as more chains slithered across the floor to go through the ring. She felt the iron cuffs slide over her feet and tighten on her ankles. They clanged loudly when they locked.

  The room began to get brighter, candles danced in the air; each one was lit as if by magic. They were black candles, and the fire glowed hot on the end of each one. By the time the last one was lit, there were at least twenty of them that danced high in the air. But, they didn’t move, as if they waited for something or someone.

  The voice in her head was back, harsh and demanding, but this time, it had an evil laugh to it. “Spread her legs. Wide, I want her split up the middle and open for me.”

  The chains clattered as they slid across the floor. The weight was off her ankles, but even as she tried to struggle, the chains were more powerful. Her legs were slowly and meticulously spread wider and wider. She was afraid that they wouldn’t stop before they split her up the middle. She groaned as her crotch ached from the wide spread of her legs. She didn’t know why her jeans didn’t tear.

  The four thick clouds moved about her body. They grew thicker and each went to one of her limbs. She felt them touch her, soft, but a cold touch that made her skin shiver. It was as though the clouds began to take shape, small bursts of cloud moved out from the center, five of them on each one. Then, it grew thicker and thicker as it stretched out. She could see them take shape into arms, but each one had five fingers at the ends. She could feel them touch her skin. They were cold and clammy, not the hot flesh of a man’s hand. She heard tearing, unable to look behind her, but she could feel it. Her sweater began to pull apart and so did her jeans. It was as though they had supernatural strength, even the jean fabric tore with such ease. Her sweater bunched around her neck, but then, it was gone. It flew through the air behind her. Her jeans were next, not even the belt could withstand the power. She shivered as they pulled free, leaving her in her bra and panties. She could see the clouds better as the arms took shape, all the way down to the fingers with fingernails, but these were sharp and pointed. They looked sharp as razors. Was that why my sweater and jeans was ripped off so easily? She cringed and sucked in her stomach as two of them moved to her bra. She feared the fingernails as they slid under the bottom band of her bra. She could feel the sharp nail touch her skin, and then, they sliced up, cutting each cup in half and pushing it aside. They moved to the straps and sliced them. Her bra hung on each side of her, but they cared little now. Her breasts were bared to them. One of the clouds moved to her panties; cold fingers slid up her inner thigh until it got to her crotch. The finger poked her crotch as a fingernail dug into the lip of her pussy. “OOOWW!” She cried out, knowing it did it on purpose. It took only seconds for the fragile material of her panties to be ripped away. Her mound was naked, and with the spread of her legs, her pussy lips were pulled back wide exposing the hot inner lips to the chill of the cold air.

  The dark, thick clouds separated now that she was bound and stripped naked, unable to defend herself. Her body was bent so that she was forced to arch painfully until her pussy was the highest point.

  The clouds floated up toward the candles, but the four clouds split into eight and then split to sixteen before they stopped. Each one hovered near a candle. The candles were thick, but as the flames flickered at the tips, it melted the wax, and it slowly drew down the sides of each candle. She saw four of the candles that hovered over her upper body begin to tilt but stopped when the flame flickered on the side of the candle and melted it. The river of molten wax began to grow thicker and slid easily down the side of the candle, but now, the sheer volume of it made it drip off. Faith could see the thick black wax fall. Her body cringed when she figured out it would hit her, fearing where it would land.

  The first drops found the top of her breasts, but the candles moved as if they sought out a bigger target. It was a long way for the molten wax to fly before it found her flesh. She expected it to be more painful than it was, but that didn’t diminish the pain she felt when it splattered on her tender skin. The drops began to move as the candles moved. They all began to converge and her nipple knew. It began to swell up as though it welcomed the hot wax, but Faith wasn’t as accepting, especially when the four candles began to move lower and bring the molten wax closer to its targets.

  “OOowwww,” she cried out as the trail of wax moved closer to her nipples and the wax grew hotter on her flesh. It burned her areola with an intensity that shot to the depths of her breasts, but the wax continued its journey, undeterred by her cries or her fruitless struggle to move away. Her nipples stood up so hard and throbbing, making them easy targets as the wax moved closer to them.

  “OOOWWW!” Her nipples were encircled by hot wax that slowly cooled, but more drops on top kept the warmth around her nipples. “EEEEHHH!” Two drops simultaneously hit the tips of her nipples with hot, molten wax. It felt like knives stabbed into the sensitive tips with such ferocity. The candles didn’t let up, more wax covered her nipples until they were encased it a hot, tight blanket. They burned, but not as painful now when the wax got thicker. She found her nipples never lost their luster, still hard and throbbing.

  The other candles began to move over her body, running down her belly to leave black tracks of hot wax. Others moved up her legs, and she knew where they would meet. She squirmed, but it didn’t do any good. The trails of wax were converging, and the candles began to go lower the closer they got to their target. The pain intensified, especially when it met her soft inner thighs. She felt the warm wax stick to her skin as it continued to move higher. She could feel the cold air of the clouds on her hot inner lips and knew she was exposed too vividly. Her pussy was wet, and she didn’t know why. She should shrink away from the hot wax, but she almost welcomed it. She was still horny and even the touch of hot wax on her pussy aroused her.

  The first of the candles to reach her pussy moved to the side and found her puffy outer lips, both sides attacked with the hot molten wax. Farther down, the trail of wax found the soft flesh where her legs met her torso. It stung as the wax sealed against her skin. The pain was less intense as the thickness of drying wax covered her skin, but the candles continued to seek out fresh, untouched flesh.

  “OOOWWWW!” The pain was intense, but so was something else, the pleasure. The wax found the edge of her pussy lips. It burned on the puffy flesh of her outer lip but also found the soft, pink flesh of her inner lips with such intensity. Was it my imagination or could I hear the hiss of the hot wax hitting wet flesh? It moved up and down her slit, on both sides. She felt some of it drip down her inner lips, but the hot intensity was gone, just a warmth that covered her flesh. The candles moved closer together, at least ten of them. They moved up and down her slit, and now, there was no escape. She cried out as the hot wax singed her wet inner lips in a blanket of thick wax. The pain was intense, but it quickly went away. It moved until it covered all of her pussy, almost all of it. It stopped short at the top and the bottom. She didn’t know why. She anticipated the touch in those two spots, but she was discouraged when it moved away.

  The clouds above began to move downward; two of them without candles descended between her legs. She felt the shiver of coldness that touched her pussy, not sure how it felt, her pussy went from cool and wet to hot from wax. She could see the clouds taking thicker shape, going from gray to a black. She shivered when something touched her, something cold and clammy. She felt the pressure as it slid between her pussy lips, brushing aside the hardening wax to expose her inner flesh once again. She welcomed the touch on the opening of her pussy, in spite of the unnatural coldness. It was as though it forced her pussy to clench tight, but the touch became harsher, pushing against her shrinking muscles to force its way inside. It wasn’t like a finger or a cock. The mass that touched her moved, growing bigger and changing shapes at will. Her pussy muscles
fought off the unnatural invasion but could do nothing to stop it from pushing deeper inside her. Her insides curled around the mass, wanting anything inside her, in spite of the coldness that made her muscles shrink in fear. It began to move inside her, but it grew bigger, thicker as it bore into the depths of her pussy. It was as though it found every inch of her pussy and was destined to fill it, to stretch it to accommodate it. She feared that it would stretch her too much, but that didn’t stop the tremors of excitement that overtook her body. It began to move, slowly back and forth as though it exerted no effort to do it. She tested it, clenching her muscles onto it, but it still move relentlessly back and forth.

  Then, she felt another touch on the top of her slit. It sought out her pleasure button. The coldness of its touch made her clit shrink away, but it was relentless in its pursuit. She felt the touch get harder as though it encased her clit and pushed to the base to squeeze it. Her clit swelled with blood as another touch of coldness swept across the tip of it to rub it back and forth. She couldn’t stop the way it grew harder and bigger. Then, a candle hovered over it. It froze in place as her clit was gripped tighter as if it held it so it couldn’t escape. “NNNNOOO,” she cried out in panic as the candle began to tilt. It was as if in slow motion as the wax slid down the side of the candle. It hung in a long drip for the longest of seconds and then fell. It splattered onto her erect clit with a loud thud, but nothing was as loud as her shrill cry. Just at the moment that hot, molten wax sealed her clit, the cold object in her pussy began to move with such vigor. It was as though she was being fucked by a very large cock. Her insides were stretched around it, and she clenched onto it as if she could give it pleasure. It was as though her body was given such exquisite pleasure and excruciating pain at the same time.

  Her clit covered in wax was a one-time thing, but the object in her pussy was continuous. It was as though it had such stamina, fucking her relentlessly with no motive in mind. Could I be fucked to death? She felt the wax brushed off her clit, and then, the cold touch returned, this time gentle, but the coldness and the dryness made it feel much harsher than a gentle finger. Her clit was already sensitive from the hot wax that singed it, but the cold touch continued to rub over her clit with such precision. She found herself growing aroused.

  She looked up, and a cloud descended down on her face. It felt like she put her head into a freezer as it encased her in the dense cloud so she could no longer see. It touched her skin, but the cloud grew thicker as it touched her lips. She opened her mouth to protest when she figured out its purpose, but it was too later. Something entered her lips, and as she tried to close her mouth in defiance, she found herself unable to do it. Instead, something filled her mouth, just as it filled her pussy. Her cheeks ballooned and her tongue was forced to the bottom by the thickness. She knew what would happen next and wasn’t surprised when it began to move rhythmically in her mouth. It mouth fucked her. Her lips were stretched wide, and it moved insistently back and forth until it pushed to the back of her mouth and jammed against her throat. She feared she’d be choked by it, but it moved back out and then back in. She tasted something, not sure what it was, but it was thick and permeated every place in her mouth. It was salty. Her mouth and pussy was reamed out, but the clouds weren’t finished. Something touched her anus, and the coldness sent the muscles of her anal ring to clench tight in response, but like the other clouds, it took mass and fought her every bit of resistance. She couldn’t stop the gradual stretching of her anal ring as the thickening cloud began to penetrate her. It didn’t take long before she felt the cold mass inside her rectum.

  She couldn’t believe it. All three of her holes were filled, yet she didn’t have a cock inside her. They were all alive inside her, moving in and out relentlessly as the pleasure began to build in her body. The one that rubbed her clit found her responding to the touch. She didn’t know how long she could hold out or if she wanted to. She was afraid that even if she came, the clouds would continue to work her over.

  “Cum for me.” The voice in her head didn’t need to tell her the obvious. She couldn’t hold back if she tried. It felt like her head exploded as her clit did. It was continually rubbed and made her orgasm last forever. Her pussy clenched on the unforgiving stretching of the mass inside her, but she wouldn’t feel the jets of cum fill her. The only reminder of a man’s cock was the salty taste in her mouth.

  She was exhausted by the time the pleasure was wrung from her body. The clouds that were inside began to dissipate. They didn’t pull out; it was as though they were never there. The coldness in the room began to go away and the warmth from the outside began to fill the room. She felt looseness in her arms and legs, and when she tried to move them, she found they were no longer secured to the chains. Her back creaked as she stood up. She looked down at the chains on the floor. They were rusted and fragile. The bright white floor was covered in a layer of dust and leaves, the walls blackened with stains. She looked for her clothes, but they were nowhere to be found.

  It was as nothing had happened, except she was naked. She had to get back to her house and hoped no one would see her. She walked fast, but she had to be careful where she walked with no shoes. As she started to walk away, she heard the soft voice in her head. “Thank you for saving me,” the girl whispered and then was gone.

  Faith made it home and took a bath. She expected to find wax on her body, but there was none. Not a bit. She was dirty, but it was from the walk home naked. It was as though nothing happened, but she knew something did. Some of her arousal was gone. She knew she had an orgasm, but she was left unfulfilled. She needed a cock to satisfy her. She went downstairs.

  It was time to order more food, but Faith’s cell phone still refused to find a connection. She’d have to go into town.

  It didn’t take very long to get to the general store. As soon as the bell on the door of the general store rang her arrival, James greeted her.

  “Morning. What can I help you with?” James felt the familiar stirring in his pants, the same as last time when she came in. She was a hot woman.

  This time, she had her list. She handed it to him. “Still can’t get my damn cell phone to work except when I least expect it. Can Jessie deliver them today?” She needed to continue exploring the house, not only to find another room but, hopefully, to find Michael and be fucked by him. She just hoped she wouldn’t have to take him in her mouth; today, she wanted her satisfaction. Faith turned and was confronted by Jessie; James had already begun to fill the list.

  “I’ll be there as soon as it’s ready to go, Faith.” He felt more comfortable with her, as though they were long-lost friends. As he moved past her, his hand slid lightly across her ass as if by accident.

  “Thanks,” she smiled at the young boy as his eyes feasted over her body. He was no different from the other men in this town. She felt something on her ass. Was it an accident, or did Jessie just try to swipe a cheap feel? She swung her ass as she walked out the door, sure that both of them looked out the window as she got into the car, sorry that they were on the wrong side when Faith showed a lot of leg as she climbed into the front seat. She often flaunted her body when she was horny.

  * * *

  She heard the truck pull into the driveway about twenty minutes after she got home. She had changed her clothes and put on her dress with the nylons and garter belt. She unbuttoned the first two buttons until a generous amount of cleavage showed. She’d tease Jessie when he came in with the groceries.

  Jessie grabbed the groceries from the back of the truck, including the case of cold water that he had just traded with the stranger. No money changed hands this time; Jessie was promised more than money. The stranger seemed to know exactly what would happen as though he orchestrated the whole thing.

  Faith stood in the open doorway, not wanting to miss the look on Jessie’s face when he saw her. She wasn’t disappointed; his jaw dropped, his eyes opened wide as they scanned her body from the tip of her head all the way down to the he
els that graced her feet. “Put them down on the counter. You’re such a strong man.” She didn’t want to insult him by calling him a boy.

  Jessie put the boxes on the counter along with the cold water. His cock was hard and bulged in his pants, but he didn’t care. The stranger had told him about the water, a combination relaxant and aphrodisiac. He looked at her. Faith looked sexy and horny. He grabbed one of the bottles of water, so cold that the outside was covered in condensation. He walked bravely up to her to look down the front of her dress shamefully. “The water is almost frozen, it’s so cold. You should try one now.”

  She stood only inches from Jessie and saw his eyes look down the front of her dress; the thin slip did little more than cradle her naked breasts in a soft blanket of silk. She saw the bottle of water, the outside covered in cold sweat. She shivered as it moved closer to her, but she didn’t make a move to stop him; Faith didn’t know why she didn’t. “EEEEHHH,” she hissed as the cold bottle was pressed in her cleavage like a cock ready to tit fuck her. Her nipples sprang to life and swelled up as if they reached out to touch the frigid bottle.

  “Cold, isn’t it?” His hand pushed the bottle between the twin peaks that were partially bared to his eyes and gazed down the front of her dress until he saw the unmistakably hard nipples sprout up like spring flowers that bloomed from the cold. He saw her chest heave up and down, but her hands remained at her sides. She didn’t do a thing to stop him. He twisted the bottle on her warm flesh as beads of cold sweat dripped down her naked cleavage. Jessie wished he could tear off her dress and lick away the cold water from her naked breasts.