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Submissives of the Warlord: A Novel of Future Bondage Read online

Page 18

  She licked, swallowed and sucked the cum that he continued to shoot into her mouth. She knew enough about men and sucking cock to know that she wasn’t finished until she swallowed every drop and then licked his cock clean. She obediently did it. Only then did they stand up again tomorrow.

  “I’ll see you in the morning.” Then, he added, “Good job.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” but she wasn’t sure what he complimented her on. Was it my skills as a soldier or as a cock sucker?

  * * * *

  The next day she showed up on time, and Carson was waiting for her. She stripped off her clothes, and they went to work immediately on physical training. Carson was more demanding today. Is it because he thought I was too weak? She kept up with him, and she found by lunchtime that her stamina had built up.

  After lunch, Carson stripped naked, and the same cock that she took in her mouth and throat stood up as if it wanted her again. He spent more time working on new moves and the ones he taught her yesterday. She was sure that she surprised him when she moved faster in some of the moves than he did. Her small, agile body was better suited for the moves.

  The last hour they went into combat fighting. Carson was more aggressive, but Jennifer learned the defenses better and kept him at bay for most of the hour. She got a few good punches in, but so did he. At the end, he pinned her. This time, he was on her back, just as Lord William had her. She could feel Carson’s cock snuggle up against her ass, and she suspected that she’d soon feel it in her ass. But, he surprised her and released her when she tapped out. She felt bad that she didn’t sooth his erection away. Or was it that she was sad that he didn’t take her in the ass and give her that depraved pleasure. That was it for the day.

  * * * *

  The same thing happened for the next three days. Jennifer feared that he got his pleasure, and now, he just did his job of teaching her for the total of five days and that would be it. He’d dismiss her. The last day, they spent time in physical training, but it grew easier because she’d built up the stamina to keep up with him. After lunch, there were a few moves he taught her, but then, it was the combat training. She feared the worst. Today would be the last day forever. She was sure that was true when Carson stripped off his clothes, but then, four more soldiers entered the room. All of them were naked. All of them had large cocks that stood out defiantly. Is this my consolation prize? Or is it their consolation prize? “Five against one?”

  “It’s not often when the odds are even. It’s time you learned the reality of combat.” Carson answered her as the five men circled their prey.

  Jennifer didn’t expect this, but she tried as hard as she could. She fought them off as best she could as she slid away from one, only to be trapped by another. She went from one man to another, managing to elude them for seconds, only to be caught by another. She felt one slippery cock on her skin after another, all of them excited at the prospect. She knew that today would be different than the last three days. Today, she’d have to provide what all five men wanted, and she feared that. I had two men at once, but what would five men all seeking their pleasure at one time require of me?

  Jennifer lasted for fifteen minutes before Carson moved in for the kill. They surrounded her and slowly closed the circle until she had no place to go. They quickly took her down. Two men pinned her arms over her head with ease, while two pinned her legs. She looked up as Carson sat on her chest and drove all the air from her lungs. His large hands encircled her neck and began to squeeze the life out of her body. She feared that this was the end. She was pinned and unable to tap out. Her head grew dizzy. She looked over above Carson and saw Lord William stand in the doorway. He didn’t move a muscle, just a smirk on his face. This was the end of her hopes to be a soldier. Lord William had no intentions of letting her be the first woman in his army. It would go against all of the rules of women’s submission to the men.

  “Do you submit, Jennifer?” Carson squeezed tighter.

  She surrendered, nodding her head as best as she could. Carson released her neck, but she knew that wasn’t the end of it. He would take her as well as the others. Jennifer was like a puppet for the five men. They put her into a position, and then, they took her. Her mouth was repeatedly filled with a hard cock or a soft, wet one that she had to rejuvenate. Her pussy was split by five cocks, so thick, some long and one even had a strange bend in it that stretched her insides that weren’t meant to be stretched that way. Her ass hole wasn’t immune from their cocks, and her mouth had to lick the soiled cocks clean and bring them back to life.

  Jennifer was disappointed in the outcome, but that didn’t stop the orgasms they induced in her body as they used her. She never expected five men to take her at once, a virgin in all her holes only weeks before. She was on her hands and knees. She sat on one cock that was shoved deep into her pussy. Another was behind her and impaled her ass hole with his cock. Both of them dug their cocks into their respective holes with such vigor. Her mouth was speared by one cock, but her hands had to reach out and stroke the other two. The one in her mouth emptied his cum, but he switched with another and her mouth was never without a cock for more than seconds. The five of them rotated from hole to hole until Jennifer never knew where the cock that was shoved into her mouth came from. Her mouth was so filled with cum, a soiled cock from her ass didn’t make much difference.

  Jennifer looked up as the men finally finished with her. One by one, they pulled out of her. She could feel the flood of cum drip from her pussy or her battered ass hole. Her belly was filled with warm cum. She saw a shadow over her and looked to see Lord William standing there. In his hand was a neatly pressed black uniform on a coat hanger. Just like the men of his army wore.

  “My men and I welcome you to the army in the only way we know how.” He smirked at her, but he hoped this wasn’t a mistake. He’d spoken to King Michael, and they knew the dangers of having a woman in the army. It could open up everything that they worked for over the years, but it was a constantly evolving world, and they had to keep up with it.

  * * * *

  Jennifer walked proudly through the village the next morning, but it didn’t seem to surprise many people, although they all stared at her. The women smiled their approval. The news must have been spread to them by Lord William and his men. She knew where she was going, Lord William had told her. The shop was in an alley, no sign on the door. She opened it and saw the surprised look on her mother’s face. Was it my uniform or that I had found her secret?

  A soldier entered unannounced, and as she turned around, she couldn’t deny that it was Jennifer. There weren’t many soldiers that had long red hair. She blushed when she realized that many of the pieces she was working on were spread across the work benches. There would be no doubt what they were.

  “Hello, Mother. I told you I’d tell you when I got a job.”

  “Yes, you certainly did. Why did you take that job?”

  “I saw what happened on the road, and I want to make sure that everyone here is safe. A bit of revenge on what happened to Dad doesn’t help.” Jennifer looked around. “I see that you failed to give me many details on your seamstress job.” Jennifer laughed.

  “You never asked.”

  “No, I guess I didn’t.” She hugged her mother. They both chose a path that the other ever suspected.

  They talked for a long time, both concerned for the other but neither was ashamed or disappointed of the others choice.

  * * * *

  Jennifer began to go out on patrol every day. They went in groups of five to ten, depending how far from the village they went. It took two days before they saw some action; a couple of scavengers were trying to have their way with a family before the soldiers intervened. The scavengers were quickly dispatched. That was the term the other soldiers used that meant they were killed. They wouldn’t be doing that again.

  There had been sightings of a large group of scavengers, thought it was never confirmed, but Lord William made the groups that went ou
t to consist of ten soldiers. Jennifer was still trying to fit in. In spite of the fact that Lord William and his top five soldiers approved her being a soldier, most of the rest of the men resented it. They didn’t think she was capable enough; after all, she was a woman.

  The security at the village was increased and the patrols were more frequent. It’d been two weeks since Jennifer joined the army. They weren’t far from the village when it happened.

  Jennifer felt stillness in the woods. No birds sang, not a sound of an animal. It was as if they all ran away. She stopped. “Hold it,” she said softly, and the other men stopped and looked around.

  Carlos had returned with over forty men. They’d have to act quickly; it was too difficult to keep it a secret with that many men. They’d eyed the patrols every day. They were vigilant but almost predictable. Jackson joined him today, and he’s the one that spotted her.

  “That’s the bitch, the one in the front. She must’ve killed our scouts. She don’t look like any ordinary bitch. She’s in the same uniforms as the others. She must’ve got the drop on them and gutted them like sheep.” Jackson not only wanted revenge, he wanted her. She’d feel his prick before he gutted her. He’d make her suffer.

  Carlos signaled his men. “Go for the bitch first,” he ordered them. He knew Jackson wanted to fuck her, but Carlos would rather have her dead. They began to attack from two directions.

  “Watch out,” she dodged an arrow and pushed the man next to her out of the way before it hit him. The arrow lodged in a tree. The woods came alive with men bearing down on them. Too many of them, but that didn’t make a difference. They’d fight to the finish.

  Stead was the leader of Lord William’s men. He looked around when Jennifer thought that something was wrong, but he had no confidence in her abilities. She was untested. Then, he was proven wrong. So many men came out of the woods, scavengers, but they were heavily armed and his group was outnumbered. He saw something strange. Even though his men were spread out in a line, the attackers all converged on one end of his line. It was where Jennifer stood. They’re going after her. “Protect Jennifer; they’re after her!” He shouted out to his men.

  Jennifer thought she was going to be killed instantly when so many men came for her, but suddenly, the other men with her surrounded her as a human shield. The battle began as they fought off the attackers.

  Jennifer went to work on pure instinct and adrenaline. There were so many attackers, but that made it easier. She swung with her knife, hitting bone and flesh with each jab. She sidestepped the slow scavengers, but her knife swung as they passed and took a slice out of their body as they fell backward. The other men with her were like fine-tuned machines, fighting off wave after wave of armed men. The bodies began to pile up around them, but they were suffering their own casualties. Jennifer saw two men go down, one with his throat slit and the other one gutted. She managed to get one of the attackers and the other went down behind him.

  Her arm was sliced, but even as the blood flowed from the wound, she never dropped her knife or failed to find an attacker with her deadly aim.

  Jackson ran out and went after her. Carlos said to kill her, so he would. He’d get his revenge. They had lost a lot of men, but the odds were taking the toll on the soldiers. They were going down one by one. It wouldn’t be long, but first, he charged her. He jabbed his knife and expected to find her gut, but he found his body sailing through the air. As he flew by her, her knife lashed out, and it cut his face from cheek to chin. The blood gushed from the wound as he pressed his hand against it. All he found was blood and mangled flesh. He fell hard to the ground, and then, he saw her boot come up. It was the last thing he saw as it connected with his chin. It rocked his head back and there was the sharp crack of his neck busting.

  “Get them,” Carlos yelled as he rushed in for the final kill. There were only six of them standing, and they came up against twenty-five of his men. It was over and he’d won.

  Arrows flew across the forest from three directions. The scavengers went down hard. Lord William with three groups of soldiers came from all directions and caught the scavengers from behind. There was no retreat for the scavengers. They were cut down by a superior force.

  Jennifer was never happier when she saw the reinforcements. She turned her head and saw him. It must be him, the others looked at him for direction, but it was too late. They were trapped in all directions and death was their only alternative. She could’ve stayed back and watched, but she couldn’t do that. This was the man that was responsible for her father’s death and her mother’s ravishment. She went after him.

  Lord William saw what she did. “Let her have him,” he shouted to his men. They backed off from him as they finished off his men.

  Carlos found himself alone, the other soldiers backed off, but by the time he saw in front of him, it was too late. Something came at him, Carlos not sure who or what until hands wrapped around his neck and pulled him backward. A body was pressed up against his back, and the last thought he had was that it was a nice set of tits that pushed into his back.

  Jennifer grabbed him and swung him around with her knife at his throat. She sliced it across his neck and was rewarded with the sound of gurgling blood spilling out onto the ground. She waited until she felt his body slump in her arms, and then, she dropped him like a bag of garbage. She looked around, all the soldiers watched her. The other scavengers were dead; their corpses piled high on the forest ground.

  The men cleaned their knives on the clothes of the dead scavengers. No scavenger survived on purpose. “Good job, Jennifer,” the men started to compliment her.

  “You gutted him like the pig that he was.”

  “The scavengers will never fuck with a woman again or else they’ll get their throats slit.”

  They slapped her on her back. By the time they got back to the village, the word spread quickly. All of the soldiers were there to greet her and congratulate her. Alexis was there too. She saw that Jennifer was wounded, but she didn’t do anything. The other soldiers would make sure that she was taken care of. She was one of them now. She was no longer her little girl.

  Table of Contents



  Kingdom of Lord Michael


  Final Examination of the Tribute


  Dangers and Perils of the Outside World


  Lord Michael’s Tribute


  Escape & Salvation


  Spiritual Help, on Her Knees


  Taught to Serve




  Jennifer’s Trade


  A Woman Soldier


  Danger Lurking


  A Depraved Mind


  Jennifer’s Training