Tales of Bondage and Submission: Award Winning Erotica Read online
Page 21
YYYYYOOOOUUU KIIIIIILLLLLLLIIIIINNNNNGGGG MMMMEEE, please no more, take it outttttt,” her body felt like her organs were being displaced by the fists in her. Gomez pushed in deep, turning his fist when he was deep in her colon, forcing new screams from her throat. Natalie thrashed up and down, her pussy and anus now stretched tightly around two stranger's wrists, their fists beating deeply inside her.
"How does that feel, Natalie,” both of them jerking their fist up and than back down, pushing deep inside of Natalie? Natalie screamed and jerked around, her body being torn apart from within by the fists.
"Would you like to cum for us, Natalie,” Ricardo asked? He pulled his hands from under Natalie's breasts and reached for the vibrator.
"NOOO, don't make me cum again, it hurts toooo much,” but her cries fell on deaf ears as she heard the vibrator begin on high. She felt the vibrator run over her pussy, pushed against the arm in her pussy until it reached her clit. Her clit was hard and erect, the brutal fist rape of her pussy and ass, while painful, was still exciting her. It began to vibrate against her clit, her body shuddering from the pleasure.
"Fuck her with your fists,” Ricardo told the others. The two fists began to fuck her; first one pulling from her pussy until her pussy lips were stretched tightly around his knuckles. As it began to push back brutally into her pussy, Gomez pulled his fist up her anal tract, forcing her anus to open wider as the widest part of his hand passed over it. As one was pulled from her orifice, the other was pushed in, forcing Natalie to relieve the pain over and over. They began to pick up speed, the fist in her asshole cramping her stomach, the other pulling against her clit. The vibrator continued its forced masturbation as they continued their brutal fisting of her tender body.
"NNNNNNNOOOOOO, don't make me cum, I can't help it, please no more, IIIIII"MMMMMMM CUUUMMMMMIIIINNNNGGG,” she yelled, her body bucking on the table as the fists continued to punish her anal tract and pussy as the vibrator forced the first cum out of her. A particularly brutal push into her anus caused Natalie to have another cum, her screams ringing in the room. Not to be outdone, Jose plunged his fist deep inside her pussy, smashing his fist into her cervix, twisting the knuckles deep inside her, eliciting screams of pain from Natalie. The vibrator pushed against her now tender and red clit forced the third and final cum from her sweat soaked body. The two fists were pulled from her body with loud pops, her screams as they were torn from her body echoing in the room.
The three men watched as Natalie shuddered in the final throes of her last cum. Her pussy juice ran down her thighs, forming a puddle on the floor below her.
Ricardo removed her cuffs from her wrists and ankles, allowing Natalie to again slump to the floor, exhausted from the orgasms they forced from her body.
"We will see you in two weeks from tomorrow, at nine in the morning. Don't be late, we will have to check you again when you leave. Have a nice vacation while you are in Cuba,” Ricardo laughing as he said it.
Boarding School Sex Training
Michael has been the Headmaster of a very exclusive all girls boarding school for over ten years. He is very much a lover of the female figure; he appreciates shape and form of women and above all, likes to take pleasure from them whether they wish it or not. He likes to force them to feel pleasure that they might not wish to feel or experience. Michael's philosophy is absolute obedience to his word and his school is very strict. Students are brought up to respect adults and not to question them. Any disobedience is quickly punished. All of the instructors at the school are male.
The tuition at the school costs more than $150,000 per year and the student's guardians enroll them at the school. The guardians are all very wealthy older gentlemen. They became guardians over the students when their parents had died.
The students are sexually naïve and when they became eighteen the real purpose of the school becomes evident. This is the story of one of these students, Rachel.
Rachel has a slender figure, medium height, peaches and cream complexion, long wavy brown hair and unusual gray/blue eyes. She has turned eighteen years old today after being at the boarding school since she was ten. Her parents were killed in an automobile accident. Stephen, her Guardian was a good friend of her mother and as Rachel had no other relatives; he petitioned the court successfully for custody of Rachel. Stephen is a very rich and powerful man. He had no trouble convincing the court that he could care for Rachel. While Stephen does maintain contact with Rachel, her real but informal guardian is Michael. She adores him, thinks the world of him and would do whatever he wants. She does not think of questioning his authority. The one time she did, when she was twelve, Michael had taken her over his lap and spanked her ass. That was the last time she ever questioned him.
As Rachel entered the classroom, Mr. Johnson called her over. Rachel is wearing the standard dress for the school. This consists of a white, button down blouse, plaid skirt, saddle shoes and socks. Although Rachel has thought the blouses were a little too transparent (you could see the outline of her bra underneath) and the skirts a little too short (they were three inches above the knees) she is used to them and does not complain. The only males she ever sees are the instructors and although she felt sometimes that they were looking at her strangely of late, she has ignored the feeling.
"Yes, Sir,” said Rachel approaching him.
"Headmaster Michael would like to see you in his office immediately. Here is a hall pass,” remarked Mr. Johnson, with a smirk on his face.
All of the students called him Headmaster Michael. While the other teachers were respectfully called by their last name, the Headmaster used his first name. But he required you also used the term Headmaster with his first name. Either that or you called him Sir. Anything else would bring about his displeasure.
Rachel knocked on the door and waited for a response. It was a large oak door, befitting the owner's power and prestige.
"Enter,” came the booming voice of the Headmaster.
Rachel entered and as usual was amazed by the grandeur of the office. One does not get called to the Headmasters office very often and when they did, they did not speak of it. The furniture in the office was all wood and very ornate. The chairs all were cushioned, with wooden arms and scrolled legs. They were very heavy and did not move very easily. The Headmasters desk was huge, as was the conference table. Little did Rachel realize that they were designed to hold a female figure securely to them.
"Have a seat, Rachel, and Happy Birthday. Stephen also sends his Happy Birthday wishes. He could not be here today, but he promises to be here tomorrow."
Michael had a very striking and handsome silhouette. Although he was in his forties, he still was a heartthrob to most of the adolescent girls at the school. While they feared disobeying him, most also had adolescent fantasies about him. Rachel was no exception. Lately she thought about Michael spanking her as he did when she was twelve. This excited her, the power that he would have over her.
"I am glad; I have not seen him in a while. Is there anything the matter, Headmaster Michael?"
"No, everything is fine with Stephen. He is looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. We just have to come to some decisions about your future before he arrives."
"What do you mean?” asked Rachel.
"You are now eighteen today and that makes you an adult. I need to explain some things about your future relationship with Stephen and how you are to proceed. When your parents died eight years ago, they left you an inheritance of a little over one million dollars, with Stephen the trustee.
"I didn't know anything about that. When will I inherit the money?” Rachel inquired. Her eyes began to light up. That was a lot of money; she could do many things that she had only read about.
"I realize that it sounds like a lot of money, but Stephen has had to financially take care of you for the last eight years. You must realize your education and board at this school costs almost $150,000 per year. While Stephen is wealthy, he is under no obligation to pay for your
tuition with his own money. As trustee of your parent's estate, he has every legal right to use the inheritance money for your upkeep."
The good mood of Rachel quickly disappeared, as she realized that there was little money left of the inheritance. She would be back to having no future without the help of Stephen. “So what does this mean?"
"Stephen has a proposition for you Rachel. He is willing to forego all of the payments he has made for the last eight years and give you the inheritance when you turn the age of twenty-one. This would be about two million dollars, as Stephen wisely invested the money for you. Does this sound interesting to you, Rachel?"
"Oh, yes, Sir. I want to thank you and I will really thank Stephen tomorrow when he comes,” the excitement back in Rachel's voice. She would be rich and could do anything she wanted to.
"Don't get too excited yet, Rachel. There are some conditions to this agreement. Stephen is being very generous to you and he requires some exchange of favors in return."
"Yes, I will do whatever he wants. He has been so good towards me since my parent's death. And you have also been so helpful, Sir. I respect you for the many things you have taught me the last eight years.” Rachel could not contain her enthusiasm. She would be financially set for life. While most twenty-one year olds would be just starting out in life, she would be financially sound.
"I hope you are sincere in your desire to please both Stephen and myself. That is exactly what will be required of you in order to get Stephen to complete his offer."
"I am sure I will please you both, Sir,” not realizing the implications of her response. “What is required of me?"
"As you probably know, Rachel, you have become a very attractive young women. While you are sexually naïve, which was our intention at this school for your development, it is now time for further education in that area."
"I don't understand,” a puzzled look on Rachel's face. She had only begun to think of sex and with the few males here being the instructors, they were only passing fancies.
"Stephen has asked me to take over this personal training of you. This will take about two months. During that time, I will prepare you sexually for him,” his eyes watching for Rachel's reaction.
Rachel sat up in the chair, did she hear him correctly, did he say, prepare her sexually for him. “What do you mean, prepare me sexually?” she stammered, her voice breaking up.
"I will teach you to cater to Stephen's every sexual desire. You will be taught to give pleasure to him in whatever manner he desires, no matter how perverted you might think it to be. This will involve humiliation and if you fail to perform as desired, this will require discipline, often you will be sexually punished. You will have to serve and cater to his sexual desires for a period of three years. At the end of that time, you will be given your inheritance and you will be free to do as you desire. You may stay with Stephen, but that is not a requirement."
"I don't know what to say, Sir. I am not sure what you and Stephen are going to do to me. I respect your opinion, what do you think I should do?"
"I suggest you take Stephen's offer. It is very generous. It will only require three years of your life and then you will have the wherewithal to do anything you want in life. Most young ladies would jump at a chance to take this offer. This is not an unusual request. I have trained a number of young ladies like you over the years that have accepted similar offers from their Guardians. I will not give you names, but you are going to school with one of them. In fact, if you accept this offer, your training will also interact with hers at some point."
"Can you tell me what will be expected of me?” Rachel asked, still not exactly sure of what she would be expected to do.
"It is difficult to explain in words, but I can show you in pictures. I have an album of various sexual situations that you will be required to perform over the course of your sexual servitude to him.” Michael reached over and pulled a large album over to where Rachel was sitting. He placed it in her lap.
"Open the first page and see your new future."
Rachel was shocked at the first picture. There was a naked girl, her own age. In fact she recognized her. It was Sara, her roommate last year. She was standing, her legs spread, her arms laced behind her head, her breasts thrust before her. She was naked and she could see Michael in the picture and also someone else, probably her Guardian. She looked embarrassed as she was spread naked, their eyes obviously drinking in the naked beauty before them. The next picture showed her kneeling on hands and knees on the Headmaster's desk. She could see the Headmasters hands on her thighs, spreading them open. Her anus and vagina peaking out. Her breasts hung down and her Guardian had grasped them with his hands. Each picture got progressively worse. On her back, her Guardian pulling her legs back and spread over her head, the Headmaster between her legs, a speculum in his hand. On her knees again, head down on the desk, ass pushed out, her Guardian spreading her cheeks of her ass open, the Headmaster inserting a speculum in her tiny anus. Tears ran from her eyes, the humiliation of the inspection of her body overcoming her emotions.
"We will require a complete inspection of your body first. That will take place tomorrow. Stephen will be present and will assist me in it. You will be forced to participate. We will require you to perform certain actions to allow us access to the various parts of your body. Part of your training will require you to do things against your will. Your only reason to do so will be to please Stephen and myself. This will be a very lengthy examination. You will be asked to strip naked for us. You will be given an enema so you will be cleaned out. You vagina and anus will be probed with speculums. I can assure you when we are finished, we will know your body better than you do,” Michael stated matter of factly.
The only two persons that she cared about in this world were asking her to do things that made her cringe. While not fully realizing what would be required of her she managed to stammer out, “I will try to please you both; you have both been very generous and kind to me over the years. I respect both of you and your opinions and if you think that this is best for me, I will do as you desire. You have only to show me what is required of me and I will obey."
Michael smiled; he knew that he would enjoy this delightful creature over the next two months. While he thought that he was getting the better part of the agreement, he realized the reason for Stephen's request. Stephen had been in love with Rachel's mother before she was married. They had a brief, very passionate affair, but she married his best friend, who was a millionaire, when Stephen was in comparison, poor and could not give her the lifestyle she wanted. Rachel's mother was anything but innocent, she had given Stephen pleasure he'd never experienced before or after. Stephen expected Michael to train Rachel to be the whore that her mother was in bed. He did not want an innocent girl, but a sexually experienced woman that would not balk at any request, no matter how jaded his tastes were.
"I realize that tomorrow will be a very traumatic experience for you. You will first be forced to strip naked in front of Stephen and me. To make it a little easier on you, I am going to have you strip for me right now. You might as well get used to taking off your clothes in front on strangers. Please stand up and face me,” said Michael, sitting in one of the large chairs in the middle of the room.
Rachel, trembling in strange anticipation and fear, stood from the chair and moved in front of Michael. Her legs felt like rubber and she thought she might not make the few steps required of her. She did not know how she would handle the situation. She would be asked to remove her clothes while Michael watches her. Would she be able to do it?
"What do you want me to do, Sir?” her voice very low, hoping that this was all a dream and she would wake up in her bed.
'You have a very beautiful body, Rachel, I am would like to see it better. Remember the first picture, with Sara standing with her hands laced behind her neck and her legs spread wide? Even though you have your clothes on, I would like you to take that pose for me. You will be required to be in the p
ose many times as it will thrust your breasts out brazenly and the spread of your legs will make your sex readily available,” his cock beginning to harden.
Rachel closed her eyes and assumed the position. Her breasts strained against the buttons of her blouse, her legs spread wide, waiting for further commands.
"Open your eyes and look directly into my eyes. I want to see your humiliation. You have very lovely breasts. They are pushing to get out of your blouse. And you legs are very long and slender. You certainly have a body that was built for sex."
Rachel opened her eyes and stared at Michael, her look catching the crotch of his pants. She could see his bulge. Some of the girls had talked about a man's penis, but she had not even seen a picture of one. But she did know that Michael's penis was big by the size of this bulge. She did not even want to imagine what he would do with it to her body.
"Turn around, so I may see your ass.” Rachel turned her back to him. “Yes, that is very lovely Rachel. Lower your hands and bend over, but do not bend your knees or grab your ankles.” Rachel could feel the cool air slide up the back of her skirt. She knew that her skirt was riding up to high to her butt and Michael could probably see her panties. “Spread your legs more, further, yes, that's better. A woman is truly sensuous when she is spreading herself open for her to be mounted. You have a beautiful ass Rachel; I am getting to take pleasure in it later. It is made for a sound spanking. I still remember the spanking I gave you when you were twelve. You will receive spankings, not so much as a punishment, but because I want to. Your naked ass will excite me."