Runaway Wife Read online

Page 3

  "I've never done that before,” she panted between ragged breaths as the head of her boss's cock slowly opened her anus, feeling it flutter open, the thick head of his cock forced through her anal ring. They had been having sex for a month now. Jim had taught her so many perversities, as she had been unable to stop him from whatever he desired with her body. And tonight, in his wife's bed, she felt the thrill increasing as his cock slowly pushed relentlessly into her asshole. She felt so full as the thick shaft pushed aside all resistance, taking her anal virginity.

  Keri peered into the room, the lights on brightly, the image branded into her brain. Her naked husband was behind a young girl, her naked body on Keri's bed, on all fours as Jim fucked her. Not only was he fucking her, but he was taking her in the ass. Keri would never forget the look on Jim's face, nothing like she had ever seen in the seven years of marriage. The look of sexual bliss as he took the girl in the most perverse manner. And the young girl seemed to be enjoying it just as much as Jim.

  She burst into the room, the door slamming open against the wall noisily, their sexual coupling shattered by her entrance. “What the fuck are you doing in my bed?” she screeched. Her anger was directed at the slut that was fucking her husband.

  Jim was beyond himself, his cock flying deeper into the young girl's asshole, spearing her deeply with his cock, enjoying the way her asshole tightened so pleasurably on his cock as his wife burst into the room. He held the girl's hips tighter, keeping her intestines wrapped tightly around his cock, unable to stop the sodomy in spite of his wife's angry outburst. “At least she isn't afraid of sex,” he shot back at her, his hips begin to fuck the young girl. “You stay where you are,” he snarled, his hand pushing down on the young girl's back as she tried to get up. He continued to skewer his cock into her asshole as he gazed defiantly at his seething wife.

  Keri looked at her husband with a hatred that had been building for years. Caught fucking a girl that was at least ten years his junior and he didn't even try to defend the action! In fact he continued to fuck her, oblivious to Keri's outrage. “Get out of here. And take your slut with you!"

  He roared into the girl's asshole, his stomach slapping against the perky cheeks, the muscles clenching on his cock bringing too much pleasure to stop. It was time Keri learned to accept what had been going on for over two years. “I'm not going anywhere until I get my pleasure with this lovely girl. If you hadn't shut me out of that lovely pussy between your legs I wouldn't have to look elsewhere. Now shut the door and let me finish. If you don't like it, you can leave. But don't you dare take the car. It's mine.” He could see the look of indignation on her face. He began to roll the girls hips, enjoying the tightness of her asshole. He didn't even look up when the door slammed shut, the noise ringing out in the room. He pressed his body down on the girl's back, whispering in her ear. “Now tighten up that lovely asshole. Give me a good ride and make me cum,” his hands sliding up and finding her clit, her asshole sliding sensuously over his cock as she pushed her ass back, her moans of pleasure making his cock harder.

  Keri grabbed a few things out of the bathroom, putting them into an overnight bag that was in the hallway closet. She found his wallet, slipping two hundred dollars out of it. She went to her secret hiding place, throwing all of it into her overnight bag including the roll of bills into her purse. She had about $600.00, throwing the car keys on the counter as she slammed the door behind her. She looked back one last time at the house as she walked the two blocks to the corner.

  She found a taxi, and ordered the driver to take her to the bus terminal. She sat fuming in the backseat during the short ride, tossing a bill at the driver when he pulled into the entrance. She entered the cavernous building, seeing that it was empty this late at night and stepped to the lone ticket counter, attempting to hold back the tears. There would be time for that later. “What time is the next bus out?” She asked the man behind the counter.

  The old man looked at the pretty girl, could see that she had trouble in her heart. “Where do you want to go, honey?"

  "I don't care. Just get me out of here,” she said, choking back the tears that were already filling her eyes.

  "I got a bus that leaves in a half hour. It goes as far as Phoenix."

  Phoenix, as good as any place. It least it was warmer. She had read that it was a booming town, plenty of jobs and housing plentiful and cheap. “Great,” she said, trying to sound cheerful. “When does it get there?"

  "It's a twenty six hour ride. One hundred six dollars. One way I presume."

  She nodded in assent and pulled out two one hundred dollar bills, getting her ticket in return. She pocketed the change in her purse. Over a day on the bus. At least she would have a chance to contemplate her future. Phoenix? “Thank you.” she said as he grabbed the ticket he handed her and sat down in a nearby seat, looking around the empty waiting room.

  The bus pulled in on time, Keri getting on to a partially-filled bus. She went to the back of the bus, finding it almost empty. The bus roared to life as soon as she sat down, the lights dimming inside as it sped off onto the highway. Keri was finally alone. Forever alone, the reality of the situation finally hitting her. She began to sob quietly, her body shaking as the emotions washed over her. She cried for an hour, finally wiping her face. It was time to get over it and move on with her life.

  She could do this. She was well-educated, attractive, and smart. She didn't need Jim any longer, she told herself—there had to be other men that would appreciate her. It would be nice to be independent, nobody making decisions for her. But the more she thought about it, the more the nagging doubt in the back of her mind crept in. How much life would be easier if a man “kept” her? Not like Jim, who really had no interest in Keri. Rather, someone that desired her. Physically and sexually. Her thoughts kept going back to the night ten years ago when Brad took her. Literally and figuratively. Imposing his will on her, the rope enforcing her obedience. It was a way she could escape responsibility for her own actions. Brad had taken away her shyness, forcing her to strip naked for him, the camera recording with minute detail of her exposed body. He had taken away her ability to resist the most perverse acts, forcing her to cum under his expert fingers, sucking his cock to escape the painful clamping of her nipples. And her mind could not forget the anal probe. She could still feel the four balls spreading her anus open, the burning as the slowly entered her most private hole. And forced to cum while Brad laughed, the anal probe driving deep into her bowels. What would her life be if her only task would be to pleasure a man?

  The monotonous humming of the bus was making her tired, the day crashing down on her nerves. She had already gotten Jim out of her mind, curling up her feet on the seat next to her, pulling the blanket she got out of the overhead bin up to her chin. She was surprised it was so easy to sleep.

  It was hours later when Keri felt heard the bus stopping, the light of the morning beginning to shine through the window. She looked out, expecting to see a major highway, and instead found that they had stopped in the parking lot of a small town coffee shop. She got out with the rest of the people, a collection of Americans on the bus, mostly poor Americans. She followed the procession in to diner, where she gobbled down breakfast, feeling hungrier than she thought. She exchanged a few nods with the others at the counter, more of a polite greeting than the opening of a conversation. She was in no mood to chat and let that be known by immediately lowering her head back to her plate of food. A half hour later, with their bellies full, they were back on their way to Phoenix. Keri had spoke briefly with the bus driver, not realizing that the bus took the back roads, stopping at many small towns, dropping off and picking up passengers along the way. That is why it took so long to get to their destination.

  By that evening Keri felt grimy and unclean and was eager for a shower, the sixteen hours spent on the bus almost more than she could stand. There were two more stops before Phoenix, the next-to-last one in a small town called Alamogordo in New Mexico
. After that it was only one more stop on the 450 mile ride to Phoenix. The bus pulled into the small town, the weather cool for this time of year. They were on the outskirts of the town, at another small diner, but more trucks than cars littered the parking lot of this establishment. Keri got out, glad to be able to stretch her legs. She headed first to the ladies room, able to splash water on her face and added bit of perfume so she at least smelled better. She went into the diner and took an empty seat at the end of the counter, most of the remaining passengers sitting in the booths.

  Betsy looked at her when she walked in, noting that she didn't have the appearance of a typical bus rider. Betsy had been working as a waitress in the diner for over two years and had seen lot of people passing through. This one looked special, Betsy thought, noticing the lovely body beneath the designer jeans that hugged her shapely ass. Nice full breasts, the sweater doing little more than enhancing the twin peaks. The woman had to be running away from something or someone, she mused to herself, to end up in a place like this. Betsy watched as she went into the ladies room. She pulled her cell out of her purse, pushing speed dial two. The phone rang only once on the other end when a voice popped out the tiny phone, sending delicious shivers between Betsy's legs at the sound.

  "I haven't heard from you in a while Betsy,” Michael's voice greeted her, remembering her last visit with pleasure.

  "Not sure I can take so much pleasure at one time,” she purred back at him. “You around?"

  "I could be for you,” Michael sparred back.

  "Not for me honey,” she retorted. “The bus to Phoenix just pulled in. One lovely little creature that is out of place is on it. Barely thirty with a body that is just begging for attention. Bus will be here for about an hour. Don't think you want to miss this one."

  Michael paused for a moment on the other line, contemplating, his mind already seeing an image of her. He sat in an armchair by the phone, his cock beginning to get erect in his pants. “Save me a seat next to her, I'll be there in twenty minutes."

  "Would you move that fast for me?” She teased back at him.

  "Faster.” He hung up, heading toward the garage to get into his dark blue Mercedes, the tires gripping the pavement as he spun out onto the highway. His destination wasn't far; luckily for him his “businesses” were located conveniently close to his residence.

  Back at the diner, the waitress proceeded to act helpfully, Keri talking to her between her rounds to and from the other customers. It was the first time she had spoken to anyone since she left Jim and almost opened up too much to the other woman who, despite her friendliness, was still a stranger to her. It was between her broodings that Keri felt someone sitting down next to her, a hint of after shave sending a shiver up her neck. She looked over to find the most handsome man she had seen in a long time sitting next to her. He was dressed elegantly and looked neatly groomed, which made him look out of place in this small town.

  "Coffee and lemon meringue pie, Betsy,” he said in a deep voice, Betsy already pouring the coffee.

  "Hello, Michael. Good to see you. Pies just baked this morning, coffee just brewed.” She smiled at him, a sexy smile that stirred his imagination.

  "You take good care of me Betsy. Real good care.” He took a sip of coffee, finally turning to the side to see the girl. Her brown hair hung far down her back, and Michael instantly imagined her naked from the waist up, her lovely breasts peaking out from behind her hair, a hard nipple unable to be contained by the silky brown tresses. His eyes scanned her breasts and in that quick glance he was able to note the full, firm flesh, sure that she didn't need a bra to hold them up. She was clad in a pair of jeans, although Michael preferred to see women in skirts, loving the sight of long, naked legs. He turned more fully toward her. “Can I buy you a piece of pie? It's the best in 20o miles.” He smiled at her, looking into her eyes, the traces of someone that had been crying still present. She had flawless, silky skin and the most delicious mouth and full lips that stirred his cock to attention.

  "Thank you, but I'm watching my figure,” she smiled back at him. He was tanned, a five o'clock shadow making him even sexier. And his eyes seemed to be able to read her mind, staring into the deep recesses of hers. She ran her eyes lower over his frame, noting that unlike Jim, this man had no belly on him. This was a man that took care of his body. She blushed when her eyes went lower, looking down at the front of his pants, able to discern a bulge. She looked back at him, his mouth grinning.

  "Have a piece of pie. You wouldn't regret it. And I'll watch your figure,” his husky voice purring almost hypnotically.

  His eyes were feasting on her body. It should have made her uncomfortable, but for some reason she took it as a compliment. Maybe it had just been too long since a man had taken an interest in her. As a woman. Maybe it was because he was older, Keri figuring him to be mid-forties, though she hoped she looked as good as he did at that age. She didn't even have time to answer his suggestive remark, Betsy bringing her a piece. “Thank you,” she acknowledged, her lips curling around the first bite almost sensuously, her mouth savoring the taste as if it were a fine wine.

  Her lips licking the fork almost made Michael cum, his imagination running rampant as she ate the pie as if it were his cock, her lips sliding up and down the fork.

  "Delicious,” she purred sexily, not understanding why she was flirting in such a way with him.

  "Michael,” he said, holding out his hand to her. She turned to him, her hand out, his fingers feeling the sparks jump between them when he touched her, his hand finding her silky skin. His cock jerked in his pants as her hand closed on his, Michael's imagination feeling her pussy grip his cock instead.

  God, it felt so good to have another man touch her, especially a man with eyes that seemed to be making her love to her as he looked at her. She clenched her legs together to squelch the urge that shot down between her legs, his hand holding hers longer than necessary. “Keri, with one r."

  "A name as lovely as the person. Keri,” he repeated, saying her name back to her.

  She felt the rush of juices between her legs when he said her name in that sexy, husky voice. She regretted the loss of his hand when he withdrew from the greeting, wishing that it would touch her again. They began to talk, Keri talking more than she should but she felt she needed to unload some of the bottled-up feeling inside her and Michael seemed to intent on listening. Not like Jim, who only feigned interest in her words. Michael was actually listening and asking questions.

  "So you're going to Phoenix?” He looked at her. Catching her husband in bed with a younger girl, a loveless marriage. And, he suspected, a sexless marriage as well in the last few years. She had a lot of emotional baggage, he mused and appeared to be a girl that was looking for change in her life. Something that he could provide her, he thought knowingly, though what he proposed would be more radical than she could ever conceive.

  "Yes, though I've never been there nor know anyone.” It sounded so ominous when she said it aloud, the terror of being alone hitting her again.

  "It's a good time in your life to make a radical departure. To try something new. Something exciting. You are a very beautiful girl. With a lovely body. It was meant to pleasure men, not to have your emotions bottled up inside."

  Was he coming on to her? Her body trembled as he said those words, meant to pleasure men. Just like Brad made her do. It excited her and at the same time scared her. She looked at his large hands, imaging them running over her body. Just then an image of rope in his hands appeared, her pussy soaking her panties in a rush of emotions. “Thank you,” she replied, not sure why she was thanking him, her voice quivering.

  Michael looked up at Betsy, giving her a knowing nod. She came over in a minute, huddled briefly over the cup of coffee she brought Keri.

  "Free cup of coffee for you. You still have ten minutes before the bus leaves. You want me to get one of the boys to get your bag from under the bus so you can freshen up?"

  "I only have
my carry-on,” she answered, looking down at the bag at her side. She took a sip of the coffee, failing to distinguish the slight difference in the taste. Betsy and Michael exchanged a knowing look as they watched Keri consume the drink. She drank half of the coffee before she began to get a bit light-headed. She tried to shake it off as just nerves that came from speaking to such a gorgeous man.

  Michael could see her eyes begin to gloss over, moving closer to her as he talked to her, his hand gently resting on the top of her leg, Keri not even acknowledging it. He squeezed her leg until he saw the recognition in her eyes. “Do you enjoy sex?” His voice purred into her ear.

  Michael was so close to her, his voice softer now. A hand touched her leg, looking down to see Michael's powerful hand on the inside of her thigh, her mind beginning to swim in a haze. She heard his question, not even finding it out of place, the hand on her thigh rubbing back and forth discerning as it moved close to her pussy. She spread her legs wider, giving Michael the freedom he demanded from her. “Yes,” she murmured, able to barely answer, her breasts rising and falling rapidly, her breathing shallow. “With a strong man,” she answered honestly, “that knows what he wants.” It was more of a fantasy than a reality, wanting a man to forcefully take his lust out on her body.

  Michael's hand slid so close to her pussy, her legs spreading wider, wishing she were wearing a dress or skirt. He was ready to touch her pussy when she stood up suddenly.

  "I'm sorry. I'm feeling a bit dizzy. I'm going to the ladies’ room for a minute.” She had to hold onto the edge of the counter, the room starting to spin as she struggled not to fall down.

  "Let me help you, honey,” Betsy said, coming to Keri's aid, swinging her arm over her shoulder. “Lean on me and I'll take you to the ladies’ room. Hope it's not something you ate,” she teased Keri. They disappeared, leaving Michael alone at the counter. Betsy put Keri on the small couch outside the bathroom, seeing her eyes already glazed over. She was just about out, barely conscious of what was going on around her. “You wait here, honey. I'll be right back."