Runaway Wife Page 4
Betsy walked out the front entrance to see the passengers were starting to board the bus and ran up to catch the driver's attention. “One of your passengers got sick in the ladies room. I'm going to take her over to the Doc's, I wouldn't want it to get around that our food made the customers sick. I'll put her on the next bus.” She smiled sexily at the driver.
The gray-haired driver looked around and shrugged his shoulders. He didn't have time to fuss with passengers; his job was to get the bus to Phoenix on time. “Thanks,” he said to the waitress and dismissed her as the last passenger boarded the bus. He climbed in the bus, the door closing, the powerful roar of the bus leaving Betsy standing alone in the driveway.
The diner was empty now, only Michael at the counter, a big grin on his face. “She's out of it. Bring your car around back, I'll help you get her in. Are you going home?” Michael would owe her big time for this one. Betsy was hoping that she was right about Keri. Right that she was the right type for Michael. Otherwise she would feel real bad, sure that Michael would just shrug it off and give her a lift to Phoenix. He wasn't the type to force him on a girl unless the girl wanted him to do it. Betsy knew that from experience.
"Yes. Want to come?” Michael smiled lustily at Betsy, the waitress uniform revealing her lovely body.
"Literally or figuratively?” She teased back at him.
"Anyway you want it,” his cock stirring at the thought of Betsy in his bed. Tied in his bed.
Betsy was waiting for Michael when he drew the Mercedes around back. He looked at Keri, her eyes closed, her breathing regular. She would be out for a little while longer if he was right and she was exhausted. He helped Betsy put Keri in the car, making sure that the seat belt was secure, his hand casually running over Keri's firm breasts. He kissed Betsy, his hand sliding over her ass, pushing her into his erect cock. “It could be for you,” he teased, her tongue responding to his.
"I think it's because of her, though. I want you when it's only me that you want. Now you be good to her. Take it slow, let her get use to the idea. I think you'll find her very accommodating. She just needs a reason to perform for you. Take away her ability to decide and you'll unleash a real cat in her.” She kissed him one last time, almost sad that she wouldn't be in his bed tonight, but she suspected that Keri would take care of all of his needs.
It was about an hour and a half ride to his hacienda in Ascension, Mexico. They went up into the hills, the night getting cooler, Michael turning the heater on, Keri purring away beside him. He pulled into the compound, Michael calling ahead, Derek in the compound ready to help him.
"I see you brought a visitor, Michael.” Derek greeted him. He peered into the car, seeing the girl seated in the passenger sear barely stirring. “This is a first for you.” He started laughing. “You bring them back unconscious. I thought you were more of a cocksman than that.
"Just shut up and help me,” Michael shot back. Even though Derek worked for him, he was more of a friend than an employee. “I'll explain later."
"No need to explain. Just remember to share,” Derek winked at him, easing the pretty girl out of the car. “Where do you want her?” As if he didn't know.
"The guest room. The large one next to my bedroom.” He nodded to Derek as they half carried Keri into the house. The maid had already gone home for the day.
Derek put her carefully down on the bed, remembering the room so vividly. Michael only brought special girls into this room. Girls that would appreciate all the amenities that it offered. “Is she okay?"
"Yes, just a bit drugged. She'll be okay by morning.” Michael put Keri's arms by her side, pulling off her shoes before he pulled a blanket over her.
"And what is she going to say in the morning when she wakes up in Mexico? I'm assuming that she would expect to be someplace else.” Derek had never seen Michael taken so much by a girl before. She had to be special.
"It wouldn't take long to find out her temperament. Either she'll accept what I have in store for her or you can take her to Phoenix.” Michael had high expectations for Keri, hoping that he wasn't setting himself up for a big fall. Girls like Keri didn't come around very often, Michael hating to let this one pass without seeing her true inclination.
"I hope I don't have to drive to Phoenix. And I hope you're right about her. It's been a while since I had the pleasure of a young girl like her. I am presuming that you'll share the young lady with your friends.” He looked down at the girl, imaging her in the barn with him.
"Of course. I wouldn't have it any other way. And I don't think Keri would either. She'll only have to decide once. After that it is not her decision any longer. Now let's leave her alone, morning will come soon enough.
A Decision For Life
Keri was having an erotic dream, but this one was different. It involved Brad and what he had done to her and made her do, but this time it wasn't Brad, it was Michael who was in control of her vulnerable body. She tossed about the bed, in and out of sleep the whole night. Her eyes opened, the sunlight shining through the French doors waking her up. She looked around, suddenly finding herself in a strange place. It was a large bedroom, Spanish in design. She looked out the French door and saw a large patio highlighted with several potted cacti, mountains looming in the background. A strange glimmer caught her eye and Keri looked up, surprised to see her own image shoot back down at her. She looked around and took in the large canopy bed that she lay in, thick, carved spools supporting the canopy, the inside of the canopy completely covered in a large mirror, her body laying beneath the comforter that was reflected so vividly.
The room was huge, a couch and chair in one corner, a brightly covered bench at the foot of the bed, flowers on the armoire. Where was she? She tried to think back and the last thing she remembered was eating in the diner, Michael talking to her. After that it was hazy. A brief glimpse of Michael's hand on her thigh. Her legs spreading wider as she consented. And than there was nothing. Keri cocked her head, trying to hear something that would alert her as to where she currently found herself. But the room was quiet, as was the surrounding area outside and she was sure that she was far from the traffic of the highway. What happened to the bus? She quickly looked around the floor, seeing her overnight bag next to the bed. She leaned over, dug through the case, and found her roll of money still neatly tucked inside. She also took note of the fact that she was still dressed, though her clothes were wrinkled and her hair was in need of a shampooing. She looked across the room to see a large bathroom at the other end, the door left open to show the inviting bathroom. Keri began to rouse herself from the bed when heard a tap on the door and looking over her shoulder to see it swing open, saw Michael stepping in.
Michael paused in the doorway to take a good look at Keri sitting up in the bed. She had a scared look on her face, like a doe caught in the cross hairs of a hunter's rifle. He smiled at her, trying to reassure her. Behind him, Camilla brought the tray of coffee. He let her pass, seeing some relief on Keri's face.
"Good morning, Senorita. I hope you're feeling better. Here is something to fill your stomach.” Camilla put the tray down next to her bed. “There are towels in the bathroom for your shower. Breakfast is in two hour so you don't have to hurry, but Michael likes punctuality.” She looked over at Michael, acknowledging his preferences.
"Thank you,” Keri replied hesitantly, leaning over and taking a sip of coffee, feeling the hot liquid slide into her stomach. She didn't feel sick. In fact, she felt better than she had in a long time. She was well rested. She waited until Camilla left before she acknowledged Michael, not sure if her questions would embarrass him.
"I hope you slept well.” Michael's voice finally chimed in.
"What happened? How did I get her? And where is here?” She had so many questions, her mind foggy with details.
"Take it slow, Keri.” He waited for her to settle down, her eyes looking for answers. “You passed out in the diner. Betsy helped me and I brought y
ou to my home. How are you feeling?"
He showed a general concern for her, actually waiting for an answer. Unlike Jim, who asked a question but really didn't care about the answer. “Actually I feel great, though I definitely need a shower."
"Of course. The bathroom is right there. There are towels and everything else you might need."
She waited, the other answers not forthcoming. “Where are we?"
"Sorry, I am so mesmerized by your beauty,” Michael smiled, watching as she blushed. “You are in my hacienda. It's in Ascension Mexico."
"Mexico,” she exclaimed loudly. “But I'm going to Phoenix.” She couldn't help blushing when he looked at her, his eyes scanning her body so intimately.
"It's really not that far. Ascension is about 90 miles south of the border. It's actually closer to Phoenix than Alamogordo. It's a bit off the beaten path, but I have a heliport that my friends use to visit me, just a short hop from El Paso."
"Why did you bring me here?” She looked at him, puzzled by his apparent concern for her. It scared her a bit.
"Would you rather I left you passed out on a couch in the ladies room of the diner?"
"No, of course not” she answered quickly. “Will you take me someplace where I can catch a bus to Phoenix?"
"Of course, Keri. You're free to go at any time. I've told Derek, my ranch foreman, to take you anywhere you would like to go, even Phoenix. But I would much rather have you stay a few days. Enjoy the splendor of my hacienda and the surroundings. Gather back your strength.” He paused, letting her take in all of the information. “It is not often I get such a lovely and intelligent girl visiting my hacienda. I would hate for you to leave in haste."
She looked at him, her pussy tingling as she saw his firm body, the large hands, her gaze traveling down to the front of the jeans he had on, seeing the bulge. “Am I safe here with you?” She asked bluntly.
"As safe as you want to be,” he quipped back, seeing her eyes travel to his cock. “I can be very charming. And demanding. Part of the reason I love Mexico so much is the culture. Women know their place in Mexico. It's a male dominated society. As it should be."
"That doesn't sound very much woman's liberation,” she retorted back.
"There is a time and place for woman to be assertive. The bedroom is not that place.” He said it deliberately and scanned her eyes for her response to the bold statement.
"Your hacienda, your bedroom. Would I have any choice?” She looked at him, trying to figure him out, their sexual sparring making her wet.
"Only one. The first.” He decided to end the conversation. It was not a conversation that would end with a decision. That would only come about with a submission. “Why don't you take a shower? You'll feel much better. I'll bring back some clothes for you. I have some that will fit you."
Somehow she knew he would have something her size. “Thank you, I packed light, expecting to buy new clothes in Phoenix.” She wasn't sure what he meant by the remark “only the first decision", but she had a feeling that she would find out if she stayed. “I'll only promise you breakfast."
"I hope you don't mind a skirt. I despise jeans on a woman. It's okay for riding, but I do love the feminine charm displayed under a short skirt. It is the mystique of what lies hidden in the darkness beneath the skirt that has brought many men to their knees."
"You certainly do have some very unorthodox views about women. But as I said, your hacienda, your bedroom. I'll submit to your request.” She hated it as soon as the word spilled out her lips. Submit. It sounded like she was already consenting to getting on her knees and sucking his cock. “I'm sorry, that didn't come out right."
"Nonsense, Keri. I will not take it as a complete surrender, though it did make my heart flutter,” he teased, laughing at her discomfort.
"I deserved that.” She got out of the bed, Michael watching her until she went into the bathroom. She looked back, but he had disappeared, the door closed. The rest of the bedroom was wide open, no blinds or curtains on the window, not that there was anyone nearby. The bathroom was large, even large by her parents’ standards. She looked for the shower, only to find none in the room. She turned the handle on the other door, opening up the door to a room as large as the bathroom. Here was the shower, the whole room covered in tile, drains spaced all along the floor. There were at least three tiled benches as well as a large, square bathtub that could easily accommodate two adults. Surrounding the wall where a half of dozen showerheads, as well as three handheld showers, with long hoses to allow them to move easily throughout the room.
She took off her clothes, folding them neatly, not sure when she would need them next. Maybe she could wash them here before she left. She looked in the mirror, standing in her bra and panties, proud of how well she had kept her figure. Her mind drifted as she did many times, Brad standing in back of her, watching her as he made her strip naked for him, his evil grin on his face as he saw her humiliation. Snap out of it Keri!, she told herself, reaching behind to unsnap her bra, letting it fall to the floor. Her hands hung at her side as she looked at her breasts, barely a sag in them in spite of their fullness. Her nipples began to harden as she watched her reflection, her fingers reaching up to tease her large brown areolas, teasing so close to her nipples. She closed her eyes as she pinched her nipples lightly, a soft moan coming from her lips. She felt the buds thicken beneath her fingertips. Her hands slid down to her panties, slipping one hand into her waistband, finding her pussy already damp with desire. She felt wicked, standing in a strange man's bathroom, playing with her body, exciting herself with her fingers. Her finger slid up and down her slit, gathering up her juices. She pulled her panties down, sliding her legs open so she could stick her wet finger inside her tight pussy. Except for a vibrator, her pussy had not had a man in for two years and she almost forgot the feeling of a hard member caressing her insides.
She stopped playing with her body, picking up her lingerie and placing it with her other clothes. She stepped into the other room, trying to decide what to do in the large and confusing chamber. She finally pulled one of the hand-held showerheads off the wall, turning the water temperature dial until it became hot. She closed her eyes as she let the spray cascade off her body, finally soaking her hair. Next, she grabbed the bottle of shampoo and poured a generous amount in her palm. She began to lather her hair, feeling better already. A chill began to spread over her wet body, Keri shampooing faster. She showered off the lather, letting the hot water cascade over her body again. Finally she finished rinsing out her hair, taking the showerhead and playing it over her body. It almost hurt when she played the water over her nipples, the powerful blast of water pinpointed on her erect flesh. It almost felt like the bite of her nipple clamps, she thought and spread her legs wider as she lowered the nozzle, her breath held in anticipation. With one hand she held her lower lips open and used the other hand to spray the hot water on her pussy, which hit her open flesh strongly, drawing a gasp from her lips. She played the water over her pussy, enjoying the erotic touch of the showerhead. After a few teasing minutes she reluctantly returned the showerhead to the handle on the wall, letting the water cascade over her head as she soaped up, feeling more and more refreshed as the troubles of the last day washed down the drain.
For ten minutes she enjoyed the shower, her spirits lifting as she got clean. A handsome man waiting to have breakfast with her, she was in a strange land and her husband was already becoming nothing but a memory. Indeed, her outlook on life was improving with every minute. She began to think about what Michael had said about the men of Mexico and that it was a male-dominated society. That didn't seem to be so bad to Keri though, as long as the dominating male was Michael. She could easily imagine his hands on her body. She turned off the shower, looking around for a towel. Finding none with easy reach, Keri went to the door and opened it, her naked body dripping.
Keri stepped out of the shower onto the cool tile floor, reaching over for a towel she spotted on the nearby van
ity. Just as she was beginning to pat herself dry a noise startled her and she turned suddenly to find herself face-to-face with Michael. Except he was fully clothed and she was naked. Keri gasped in embarrassment and rushed back into the shower room, hiding behind the wall and heard the door of the bathroom close, not sure if Michael had left. The towel lay in the next room, hurriedly dropped in haste to hide her naked body from Michael.
Michael stood in the bathroom, his cock thick in his pants, the sight of her lovely naked body exciting him. He could hear her heavy breathing in the other room. His hand rubbed up and down the piece of rope, enjoying the rough texture. He walked into the shower room to see Keri pressing her naked body against the wall, her hands shielding her breasts from his view. Being that the wall of the shower was made of Plexiglas, Michael had quite an enjoyable view of her nude, dripping body. In her haste to cower into hiding, Keri had pressed her luscious backside to the glass wall, causing her curvy ass to slide over the wet surface. Michael pictured her soaping every dip and curve of her feminine figure and felt his groin tighten even further. He had never been so jealous of a bar of soap before! But, he reassured himself, soon enough he would be exploring her dark, moist crevices with his own hands.
Keri peered through the steam filled room to see Michael standing in front of her, his eyes scanning up and down her naked body, intimately taking in all of the details. Her eyes went to his hands, a shiver rushing through her loins when she saw the length of rope he held, a flashback of Brad racing through her brain. She couldn't say anything; she was too shocked, too surprised to even stammer a protest.
"Don't say a thing,” he ordered her, his voice booming loudly and echoing off the tiled walls. His hand reached out to touch her smooth skin, feeling her flinch away from the contact. Grabbing her shoulders he turned her towards him, her lips clenched tightly together, her arms cradling her lovely breasts, hiding them from his view. He turned her until her back was to him.