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Submissives of the Warlord: A Novel of Future Bondage Page 5

  “Yes, you’re no longer a virgin. Now, fuck your king,” he urged her as his hands slid along her body so he could cup her breasts and tease her nipples as she fucked him.

  The lords watched her begin to move up and down, each time she took more of the king’s cock inside her. His cock was pink with her virgin blood. They stroked their cocks as her wide-spread legs revealed the cock that began to fill her. She began to fuck him, slowly at first as she tried to accommodate such a large cock in a virgin hole.

  Priscilla never felt anything like it before. The pain was sharp, but it went away as fast as it came. She began to move her hips, back and forth, as she slowly impaled herself on his cock. It stretched her, but it felt so good. The king rubbed and pinched her nipples and inspired her as her juices flowed and made it easier. She couldn’t believe that he was inside her once-virgin hole, but there was no denying that her insides had to stretch around his cock. She could feel every bump, ridge and vein on his cock as it passed through the tight muscles of her pussy. She began to move her hips faster as she felt such pleasure. The thick head of his cock opened her up, and the shaft followed to fill her. In and out, the ridge around the head of his cock pulled and teased at her muscles with such pleasure. She felt it slowly and methodically fill her until it would go no further. The head pushed against her cervix, and his cock jerked and jumped inside her. She clenched her pussy muscles, and she was rewarded with a groan of pleasure from the king. He liked what she did. She began to rise up onto her toes again, feeling the tremendous pressure as his cock retreated. It felt like a giant vacuum behind it as it sucked out her insides. When she was on her toes once again, the head of his cock was the only thing inside her. She squeezed her pussy muscles and got another pleasurable groan from the king.

  Her cunt was like a hot furnace, so tight that his cock barely slid in and out. For a virgin, she learned fast; her pussy muscles gripped his cock like thousands of fingers. She sank back down on his cock, and he soon bottomed out inside her. She squeezed his cock tightly as she pulled back up and then began to fuck him rhythmically. He didn’t have to do a thing; her pussy began to wring the cum from his balls.

  She felt her breasts sway as she worked over his cock. She never felt anything this good before. It was as though his cock possessed every inch of her body and soul. His cock filled her, yet there were still inches of it that couldn’t go inside her.

  Michael wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer, but he wanted to take her with him when he came. He reached around her waist, and his hand slid down over the fine hairs of her bush. He found her pussy, running his finger down until he could feel his cock slide in and out. He slid back up to find her clit, and the moment he touched it, her hips began to move with lightning speed. He felt the friction heat up his cock. He pinched her clit to trap it while his finger ran over the tip. He wouldn’t last much longer. “Cum for me, Priscilla.”

  The words were so demanding, but she couldn’t have resisted, even if she wanted to. His fingers tortured her clit with pleasure as she squeezed his cock with her pussy as hard as she could. She held off as long as she could, not wanting to cum before he did, but it didn’t matter. She felt his cock sink into the depths of her pussy, and then, she felt it, nothing like she’d ever felt before. He shot inside her, blasting her with hot cum into the depths of her pussy. Her muscles reacted, squeezing harder, and then, she exploded with him. She felt the juices flood his cock, shamed at how wet she was, but at the same time, he shot out jet after jet inside her. Her head exploded with such pleasure, nothing like her fingers had driven from her before. This was so much different, a cock shot hot cum inside her once-virgin pussy as she fucked the king with everything she had. Not even the lords watching her climax could dull the pleasure. It took a long time before they were both finished. Priscilla sat on his cock, unable to move. She knew she wasn’t finished with them. Naked, they all looked at her with thick erections poised in front of them that desired her.


  Escape & Salvation

  It was hours later when Alexis heard someone coming toward them. She didn’t know why the two of them were separated from the other women and children. They heard the screams of the women and the shouts of excitement and encouragement of the scavengers and knew the women were being ravaged. It had been going on for hours, unable to shut out the noise of their impending danger. She expected they were separated for the boss to take them as a prize, and the sound of someone approaching brought it back to the reality. She saw the man come out of the shadows, another scavenger. “Take me, not my daughter,” Alexis begged.

  “SSSSHHHH, quiet,” he warned them.

  “What do you want?” He didn’t look like the boss, not the large, powerful man that would be needed to control this deadly and unruly bunch.

  Frank had been with the scavengers for six months, ever since another group of scavengers had killed his wife and daughter, but not before they took them savagely before his eyes and violated them in every conceivable way. He joined these scavengers to survive, but this group was as bad as the ones that killed his wife and daughter. He was going to escape tonight before the boss came back. He hoped he’d get far away enough so they wouldn’t catch him. He’d seen the group of women they took, and for some reason, these two were set off from the others and untouched as far as he could tell. In all good consciousness, he couldn’t let them suffer the same fate as his family. He’d do one act of kindness to make up for what he did in the last six months for survival. At least, he could die with a clear conscious if that was his fate. Frank cut the ropes of the mother first. “I’m going to let you go.” He began to cut the ropes of the daughter, a couple of years older than his daughter was when she died.

  Alexis rubbed her wrists to get the circulation back in her hands. She stood up and stretched her legs, her muscles cramped from being bound so long. “Where will you take us?”

  Frank looked at her. “I can’t take you with me. I’ve already lost my family because I couldn’t protect them. I don’t want that responsibility again. Sorry,” he explained. “Go east and then head north. I heard rumors of a settlement along the upper border of Canada where they might be able to protect you. I’m going the opposite direction in case they try to follow us. Run fast to get some distance between you and them. Don’t stop until morning. If you’re caught, they’ll slit your throat as a warning to others.” He handed them a small knapsack. “Here are some supplies, not much, but it’ll hold you for a day or two. Now, go, before it’s too late.”

  “Thank you; you’re a decent man.” Alexis gave him a kiss on his cheek, and then, she turned to Jennifer. “Let’s go.”

  Jennifer never felt so much relief as she did when her legs began to run and the distance from the camp increased. She never knew her mother had so much stamina; they ran for over three hours before they even took a five-minute break. Both of them were grateful to have escaped and didn’t want to be captured again.

  Alexis was thankful for the water the man gave them. They both took small sips as they sat for a minute. “We have to keep going. As he said, at least until morning, then we’ll find shelter to get some sleep. We’re going to have to rely on each other for survival; we don’t have your father any longer.” It was the first time she mentioned him, but there was no time to mourn him.

  Jennifer knew it was time for her to become an adult. She missed her father and the way he protected them both, but he was gone and there was nothing she could do about it except honor his sacrifice by surviving. “Don’t worry; we’re going to make it.”

  By morning, Jennifer figured they must have covered at least twenty miles, if not more. They ran but not fast, trying not to make noise and evade another band of scavengers. All the years on the road had made her mother fit. They found a small stream where the water was good. They filled the canteen but didn’t stay there. They needed protection to sleep and a water source would attract others. It didn’t take long before they found it, a grove o
f dense trees and rocky ground. They found a crevice between two large boulders where they’d be protected. The thick canopy of trees blocked the sun. “This is a good spot to get some sleep but only for a couple of hours. We need to move during daylight. The woods are too dangerous at night; we wouldn’t be able to see anything or anyone.”

  Alexis was surprised by Jennifer. She took charge with such ease, as though she’d done it for years. Alexis couldn’t find fault with any of her suggestions. They lay next to each other behind the boulders. Alexis put her arm around Jennifer and drew her head onto her shoulder. It was that way they fell asleep.

  Her mother slept soundly, but Jennifer didn’t. She was afraid they’d be caught, so she woke up from the slightest of noise. She could tell by the way the sun shined outside the cluster of trees that it was high up in the sky. She shook her mother.

  Alexis woke with a start from the shaking. “What is it?” She said it softly.

  “Nothing; it’s time for us to go.”

  “Okay. Did you sleep okay?” She was worried about Jennifer, no time for her to grieve over her father’s death.

  “Yes,” Jennifer lied. “Take a drink before we leave. We’ll go back to the stream and fill the canteen again. We’ll have to look for food while we go today, anything that will give us nourishment. We’ll walk, so not to miss anything and stay quiet but be on the lookout for anyone else. Even if they look friendly, we should stay away from them. We’re better off on our own.”

  “Where should we go?”

  “The man that set us free told us of the settlement. We should head north and see if we can find it. We have to do something before winter sets in or we’ll never survive outside.” Jennifer set out with her mother behind her.

  * * * *

  It was three days before they found anything that could be called civilization. It was a small cabin in the woods, but it didn’t look occupied. They didn’t dare enter it, not yet. They had no defenses; Alexis had lost the knife when they were captured. They watched from the woods all day and night. It was when the sun came up the next morning that they entered the cabin but cautiously.

  Alexis was glad for what they found. People had lived here not long ago, but it looked as though they left in haste. Probably, scavengers were nearby, and they didn’t risk staying there any longer. It was a treasure trove for the two of them that had nothing.

  “Gather up everything we can use, but do it quickly. If they left urgently, we can’t take the chance that danger isn’t nearby.”

  They stripped the cabin bare of the necessities in fifteen minutes, taking only the things they could carry. They were lucky to find two rucksacks, and more important, they found two knives, very large knives. With more canteens, a bit of food and some protection, they set off again.

  With Bill no longer around to protect them, they become almost one. They both knew what the other would do. They were a connected team. Alexis was proud of what Jennifer had become, but she didn’t know how proud until that one day. It was three weeks later. They could tell by the weather that they were nearing the Canadian border. Even though it was still late summer, the days and nights were cooler.

  They were walking through the woods; the pine tree needles littered the ground like a carpet. Jennifer was the first to take notice that it was too quiet. She turned to her mother just as it happened. Two men came out of the brush, broken branches tied to their clothes to camouflage themselves. “Watch out!” Jennifer cried out to her mother, but at the same time, she pulled the knife from her belt.

  Alexis reacted out of instinct, grabbing her knife as she saw the man approach. She looked into his eyes for a split second, and she knew he’d kill her unless she did something to stop him. She turned to the side as the man reached out with one hand while his other hand sliced the knife through the air. The knife cut her jacket but didn’t cut her. She tried to shake away from his other arm, but he grabbed her, and she found her body thrown to the ground. On her back, the man was on her. She rolled to the side and managed to escape but only for a second. He fell heavily to the ground next to her, but he was after her once again. They rolled around on the ground as Alexis tried to knee him in the balls, but he pushed her knee to the side, but she got in a good blow to his thigh. She knew she punished him as he grunted in pain. She grabbed his hand that held the knife while he grabbed her hand. He was strong, but the adrenaline kicked in as she feared for her life.

  Jennifer fought for her life. She saw her mother out of the corner of her eye, rolling on the ground with a man that held a knife, but she was grateful that her mother had her knife out, also. Jennifer had to help her, but first, she had to take care of this one. His toothless grin smirked at her, and she wiped the smirk from his face when she hit him with a left hook. Blood poured from his lip, but he swung his knife at her. It was that split second that she took the advantage. His knife missed her as she turned sideways, but she was ready, her arm swung out, and she felt the knife find his side. She grunted at the sharp knife found bone, twisting it sharply as she heard his shrill cry. Her hand was covered with blood, but it wasn’t hers. She pulled the knife out, but found his gut as the knife dug into the soft flesh and his organs. She saw the surprised look on the man’s face, and blood began to spill from his lips as he coughed. He wouldn’t last more than a few seconds as he began to crumble to the ground. Jennifer yanked her knife out of him and kicked him away. She looked over; the other man was on top of her mother, his hand held up high, the knife glinting off from the sunlight, ready to plunge into her mother. It started to move downward, but it was as if it was in slow motion.

  Alexis could barely breathe, the man was on top of her, snarling as he held her pinned to the ground. She struggled, but he was too heavy to push him off her. Her muscles felt like they wouldn’t hold out much longer. She couldn’t see Jennifer; the man on top her blocked her view. It was at that moment she knew it would end. She only hoped that Jennifer would survive. Suddenly, her face was covered in a hot liquid. She looked, and it was bright red blood, but it wasn’t hers. She saw the face of the man on top of her, his eyes opened wide, his mouth gasping as though he tried to say something, but there was only gurgling noise coming out. Beneath his head, there was a big gash across his throat, and Alexis saw the glint of a blood-stained knife. Then, she saw Jennifer on the man’s back, her knife around his throat as she pushed him aside. Alexis felt the weight fall off her body with such relief.

  Jennifer felt such exhilaration when she killed the second man. She thought it would be hard to take another life, but after all the hardship, she’d found it was easy. When she killed the one on top of her mother poised to take her mother’s life, it was pure joy. It was as if she got such satisfaction from revenging her father’s death. “Are you okay?” She pushed her hand out for her mother to grab and pulled her up. They were both covered in blood, but it wasn’t their own.

  “Thanks to you, I am.” Her clothes were covered with blood, but instead of being disgusted, it was a badge of honor that they had survived the vicious assault.

  Jennifer heard another noise and turned around with her knife out in front of her. She was confronted by a dozen men, all wearing black with crossbows raised up and aimed at them. It should have scared her, but it didn’t. These men didn’t look like scavengers; they looked like soldiers. She saw the scared look on her mother’s face. “Put down your knife; it’s okay,” she tried to reassure her.

  “But—” Alexis tried to protest, but she was cut off.

  Lord William stepped forward. “She’s right; you’re safe now. Lower your weapons,” he ordered his men.

  “Who are you?” Jennifer asked.

  “We’re the guard from Meadow Brook Hall. It’s a community not far from here. We patrol the area for scum like those,” pointing to the two dead bodies on the ground. “You’re good,” he complimented the woman that killed them both. He was surprised to see two women out here alone without any men to protect them, but after seeing the way t
hat one took out both of the men without any hesitation; he could see why they didn’t need anyone else.

  “Thank you, but it was all instinct,” Jennifer answered. “We heard of your community about a month ago. We’ve been searching for it.”

  “Then, follow us and you can see it.” He and his men started back, turning their backs to the two women to give them the confidence that they weren’t just nicely dressed scavengers.

  Jennifer nodded to her mother, and they grabbed what little the two dead men had and followed the soldiers. It wasn’t more than a half hour before they saw it. It was as if it were a medieval castle out in the middle of nowhere. There was a high, stone wall around it, with a large gate in the center, surrounded by a moat of water that had to be crossed before you could enter. It was big, much bigger than Jennifer expected. Had we truly found a safe haven?

  The gate opened up, two more black-dressed guards stood by. Lord William stood to the side as they entered. “I’m Lord William. This is King Michael’s realm. What should I call you?” Both were beautiful women in spite of being in the woods. He could tell by the age that they were probably mother-daughter, but it was difficult to be sure. Many women bonded like mother-daughter when confronted with the dangers of survival.