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Submissives of the Warlord: A Novel of Future Bondage Page 6

  “I’m Jennifer and this is my mother, Alexis.” Jennifer was pleasantly surprised when she saw a sprawling village inside the gates, with people milling around as though they led a normal life. Are we safe? Yet, she had some doubts when she heard it was ruled by a king. Would we be trading our freedom for something worse? They walked through the village, and the people barely paid any attention to them. It was as though it was an ordinary day. The people looked fit and well fed. They all moved about as if they had jobs to accomplish. There were a dozen stores, from a candle shop that smelled of melting wax and perfumes from the pots in the back that were stirred to make the candles, to a general store, nothing in the way of canned goods, but the shelves were filled with fresh vegetables and fruits, to jerky and milk. Jennifer began to feel better.

  Lord William took them to one of the temporary housing they had for new arrivals until they would decide if they wanted to stay. He held the door open. “You can put up here for the time being. Someone will bring you some supplies. Relax and get your bearings.”

  For the first time in weeks, they felt secure, though they still had reservations. They worried what it would be like under a self-proclaimed king. They both jumped when there was a knock on the door, but it was a woman that brought them some supplies. She seemed nice, though she didn’t say too much, and they didn’t put her on the spot by inquiring. They knew they’d soon learn what it was like to live here.

  It was good to take a shower and get some new, clean clothes. They were allowed to go out among the village, but there was always a guard near them, though he wasn’t menacing. The people looked so happy that Jennifer had a hard time believing that it was true.

  The next day, Alexis and Jennifer was brought before Lord Joseph. The guards brought them into what looked like a doctor’s office, but they stood guard outside the door as it closed behind them. Alexis looked at the man, dressed in blue scrubs like a normal doctor, but one that she hadn’t seen in years. It seemed too civilized here, as if nothing happened in the rest of the world. He wasn’t an ugly or distasteful man, though a bit overweight, but not like the lord that rescued them, Lord William. She liked a man that could take charge, a man like her Bill had become after long years running from the scavengers. But, she had to put Bill behind her; he was gone.

  “Lord William tells me you were lucky he came upon you.”

  “We didn’t need any help. We were set upon by two scavengers, but we put them away without his help.” Jennifer quickly interceded.

  “Yes, he did say you were quite adept with a knife,” Joseph tried to sound apologetic, yet not. “It is good that you are here among us. We have over six hundred people living within the confines of Meadow Brook, and we’ve fought off all invasions for decades. We’re self-sufficient, though everyone is expected to pull their own weight. King Michael has brought prosperity to our kingdom, but it is not without sacrifice.”

  That is what she thought. Alexis knew there was a catch. It was too idealistic here, fearing what they’d have to sacrifice. She gave Jennifer a knowing look. After what Jennifer had done to the two scavengers, Alexis felt better about the two of them being out there alone without any man to help them. “Everyone seems to be content, but is that the truth? Is there anything that you’re hiding from us?”

  “We do have some rules that must be agreed upon before you are allowed to stay permanently. You don’t have to accept them, but then, you must leave. There are no exceptions.”

  “What are these rules?” Jennifer lost some of the good feelings she got since they came here.

  “I will list them all out for you, and then, you may ask questions.” Joseph handed them the list as he read it loudly to make sure there was no mistake.

  The sexual defilement of any woman under the age of eighteen is forbidden and will result in automatic banishment from the king’s realm.

  Marriage between any partners is forbidden.

  Any method of birth control is forbidden.

  All subjects must swear allegiance to King Michael and the lords that rule Meadow Brook.

  All females of age are subjugated to the male species. At the age of eighteen, the king and his lords have first rights to the pleasure of any and all females before any other male is allowed to touch them. After that, no female shall deny any male the pleasure he requests. Bondage is encouraged to make the females docile and more pleasurable for the male and the female.

  Joseph looked up at the two women and wasn’t surprised by the look on their faces. It was always that way at first, but most tended to come around when confronted with the alternative of banishment. “I presume you have no qualms about number one?” Joseph saw them both nod their heads. “We are very strict on this and require yearly physical exams for all females under the age of eighteen to make sure that no one breaks this rule.”

  Jennifer knew it didn’t matter for either of them now, but someday, Jennifer might have a child, and she would be required to be intimately examined by Lord Joseph or any other doctor before she came of age. That would be humiliating, but after Jennifer saw the way the scavengers defiled young children, it wasn’t unreasonable.

  Joseph heard no questions, so he continued. “Rule numbers two and three are connected. The world has almost been annihilated. We take it as our sacred duty to rebuild it as best as we can and the most efficient. By banning marriage and birth control, we hope to encourage new children with no restraints on any of the partners.”

  “So we are to become baby machines?” Jennifer was taken back by the rules.

  “Yes, crudely said but, yes. It is your place to make sure civilization continues.”

  “King Michael was a major general in the army when the world went mad and almost destroyed itself. He founded this village and made it grow and prosper over the years. It is through his enlightenment that we have come this far, so it is only fitting that we praise his foresight and vision. All religions have been destroyed by this calamity and only the religion of King Michael remains. Bishop Roman heads the king’s religion, and through him, we worship King Michael’s benevolence.”

  Alexis and Jennifer hadn’t been religious for decades. There wasn’t much to be thankful for, only survival and that was every day; the next day it could be over. If safe, they’d pray to any god that could do that for them. It was the next part that made them nervous and unsure.

  “I can see the hesitation in your eyes. That is normal for the next part. In order to restore an orderly life among the men, it’s necessary that with limited resources, women specifically, that an order be established. We cannot tolerate infighting among the men, and we’ve heard of what the scavengers do outside our gates to any women they capture. This is caused by women not being available for the God-given rights of the men. For that reason, all women must be subject to the whims of the male species in any manner they desire. Over the last few years, we’ve tested the use of bondage in this relationship, and we’ve been surprised by the response, from not only the males, but also the females. The bondage gave some females the excuse they needed to accept what was thrust upon them by the males, and they have found enjoyment in the submission. The males found a renewed excitement with the women while they were bound.”

  Alexis looked at Jennifer, but it wasn’t the response she expected. Instead of fear or disgust in her face, it was more amazement or wonderment. Alexis didn’t know whether she could agree to this, but she’d do what Jennifer decided. “I think we need to talk this over, and we’ll get back to you tomorrow, is that okay?”

  Joseph saw Jennifer bite her trembling lip. What had she gone through out there? “Are you still a virgin, Jennifer?” He had to know, his cock rock hard, and the thought of taking her first excited him, especially if she were bound and faced the unknown while tied and spread for him.

  Jennifer should have refused to answer such an intimate and personal question, but after hearing about the first rule and how important it was to be virginal, she answered without hesitation. “
Yes, I am innocent,” though she thought it was more pure than innocent. She’d watched her mother suck the scavenger’s cock and swallow his cum. That was far from innocent.

  “In that case, the king and his lords have the rights to your innocence before anyone else can touch you.” Joseph wished he could put her on her knees and take her mouth until he blew his cum into her belly. His cock threatened to burst free.

  “I understand,” but Jennifer’s voice trembled, not in fear, but caused by the wetness between her legs and a strange desire that built up in her body while this strange discussion went on. Her non-existent sex life was about to take on a new and unusual life that she could’ve never fathomed.

  Jennifer and Alexis left the room and went back to their small room, though neither said anything, an uncomfortable silence filled the room. It wasn’t until the next day that they even mentioned it. It was Jennifer that spoke up first, Alexis uncomfortable in discussing such a thing with her innocent daughter, unsure of how to lead her into the decision.

  “I think we should agree to their rules, Mother. I don’t want to live out there, and this can’t be so bad,” she lied. She looked forward to it. She’d seen a cock, and now, she wanted to feel one. She couldn’t tell her mother that seeing her forced to suck a cock while bound excited her. What would she think of me?

  “Yes, I agree with you, Jennifer,” but Alexis would have gone the other way if Jennifer had decided to leave. Jennifer was her daughter and needed to protect her, but it was Jennifer that saved her from the scavengers, and it was Jennifer that had to give up the most.


  Spiritual Help, on Her Knees

  Alexis stayed with Jennifer the next couple of day to make sure she was okay. Even though she was of age, Alexis still thought of her as her little girl. What they agreed to bothered Alexis, not so much for her but for Jennifer. Jennifer had never been with a man, at least as far as Alexis knew. Bill was a good husband and man, but some of the men they met on the road over the years weren’t that way, especially the scavengers. Alexis was still ashamed that Jennifer had seen her suck the scavenger’s cock.

  They came back from walking around the village, both of them trying to decide what they would like to do. They were required to work, but they could decide what they wanted to contribute, though it had to be approved by Lord Harris. Alexis finally got enough nerve to bring up the subject. “Are you sure that you can do what they require of you as a female?” Even those words were hard to get out to her little girl. Jennifer didn’t look uncomfortable or startled by the words, so Alexis continued while she still had the nerve. “I’m sorry you had to see what that scavenger forced me to do.”

  “It’s okay, Mother. I understand that you didn’t have a choice.” She was bound and had no choice. She couldn’t do anything but comply with the demands of the scavenger. He was dirty and uncouth, but her mother sucked his cock as Jennifer imagined she might do to her father when he was alive. “I want to feel safe and secure once again. If that is what I’ll have to do to make that happen, I’ll do it. As they said, we can be bound, and I’ll have no choice in the matter.” The thought of being bound and sexually taken excited her, but then, she thought of the fact that any man could take her, any age man. Could I take the cock of an older man, older than my father, in my mouth and satisfy him? That was something she’d never thought of before. In her mind, it was always someone her own age, a young, virile, handsome stranger that would teach her, and she’d fall in love with him.

  “I’m behind you if you decide to change your mind. We’ll manage somehow outside the village.” But, Alexis wasn’t so sure. They got lucky last time when one of the scavengers felt sorry for them, but she wasn’t sure that it would happen again. Any death by the scavengers would be painful, and they’d be subjected to the most degrading sexual acts by all of their captors.

  “I know.” Jennifer wanted to change the subject. “Have you ever been religious?”

  It was as if the conversation was over in a second. “Yes, before the devastation. We were Catholics, not very devote, but we went to church on Sunday, including you when you were very young.”

  “Did you have faith in God? Did it help you have a better life?” Jennifer didn’t remember going to church, though she saw a lot of the smaller churches that weren’t destroyed in the attacks, but the grand churches that she saw in books were gone as if they never existed. No one rebuilt them, people too interested in surviving.

  “Yes, on both. While we weren’t devote, we did believe in God and tried to live a life based on his teachings. Why do you ask?”

  “I was just wondering. Have you thought of a job you want to do yet?”

  “I was always a good seamstress and I enjoyed making clothes. I thought that might interest me. I noticed that the clothes people wear here are bare necessities. Maybe I can brighten up their lives with something more than a piece of cloth to cover their bodies. How about you? Have you thought of what might interest you?”

  “No, but I am still looking.” Jennifer didn’t tell her the truth. It was too soon to mention it, and she wasn’t sure it would be allowed.

  “You’re smart. I know you’ll find something.” That was the end of the conversation.

  * * * *

  The next morning, Jennifer went out by herself. “I need to explore and find people my own age,” she tried to tell her mother.

  “I know, but it’s hard to let you go.” She worried what might happen out there by herself, especially with the strange ideas on sex that they had to agree on. They were told that it wouldn’t begin for a week, but that was getting close. Alexis was nervous about it, and she’d been married and already experienced most that sex had to offer, even the bondage. She didn’t know how Jennifer would react the first time it happened to her.

  When she walked out by herself, she got a different kind of look. All of the men looked at her with a strange glint in their eyes. As she passed, they would turn around and stare at her. It took a minute before Jennifer realized why. They were looking at her ass. She wore a simple dress that clung to her body. It was short and left a lot of her legs revealed. Her shoes weren’t very fashionable, but the men’s eyes never got that far. As she went through the village and noticed the other women, she realized that her red hair stuck out even more than women that had blonde hair. But once they saw her hair, they didn’t stop, gazing at her firm breasts pushed up so defiantly or her full hips and tight ass. She didn’t even know what else they were thinking as they eyed her, but she knew it was probably obscene. The more she walked, the bolder she became. Her eyes responded to the men and gazed down without so much as a blush to see if she had made them excited. The moment she came into a man’s gaze, she could see the stirring beneath his pants and the swelling of his organ. She never thought of herself in this light before. She excited all men, young and old with her body. She pushed her chest out further and arched her back. Her hips began to move gently from side to side. She found the muscles inside her pussy clenched on something or wished they could. She shamelessly felt the wetness between her legs. She wondered how and when she’d be able to masturbate and release the pleasure between her legs. She lived with her mother in one room. That wouldn’t do for the future.

  She found herself at the place she sought without knowing it. It wasn’t elaborate or ornate as the pictures she saw in books, but it still had the same features. It was a church. The heavy wooden door had a carved picture in it, Jennifer sure that it was Lord Michael, the God of Meadow Brook, though she never saw him before. It was an imposing caricature of him with a bright light behind his head in a god-like manner. Is Lord Michael really a god or just a man with a messiah complex? She knew that she needed to talk to someone, someone besides her mother. She hoped she could find the guidance she sought here.

  She opened the heavy door and entered. She was surprised the inside was so small, only ten benches on each side with a small altar at the head of it. There was an elaborately carve
d wooden stature of the mighty warrior, Lord Michael. The room looked barely a third of the size of the building it was in, but there were two doors in the back behind the altar. The door slammed behind her and scared her for a moment while she waited. One of the doors opened up and out walked a man.

  He wasn’t what Jennifer expected. Her vision of the high priest, Bishop Roman, was a large, powerful man, young and virile with questioning eyes and large hands to guide her in her quest for answers. Instead, she got what looked like Friar Tuck from the Robin Hood book. He was older, older than her father, short, chubby and almost bald. He wore a blue robe that hung down his round body almost to the floor. Maybe it would be easier to talk to him instead of a man that would look at her sexually.

  “Welcome.” Roman eyed her body and realized who she was. There weren’t many redheads in the village and none this young and beautiful. It had to be the daughter of the mother that came into the village days ago and joined. He thought quickly and added. “Welcome, Jennifer.” His cock stirred and grew hard. She was a virgin. It was too early for any man to touch her, only the king and the lords were allowed to do that before the seven days were up.

  “Are you Bishop Roman?” She smiled at him, feeling comfortable with a man of religion.

  “Yes, welcome to the Church of Lord Michael of Meadow Brook.” Roman moved to the large chair near the altar and sat down on it. “Come over here, Jennifer.” He arranged his robe so his cock could be free beneath it. He didn’t know why he was naked beneath the robe that day. It must be the fate of the gods.

  She didn’t hesitate to stand in front of him. He didn’t ask her to sit down.

  “Are you interested in joining our congregation and worship Lord Michael?”

  “Yes, I guess I am. I’m looking for guidance. I have many decisions to make and I need help.”